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love will be your muse

佚名 2024-05-23 人已围观


love will be your muse

       大家好,今天我来为大家揭开“love will be your muse”的神秘面纱。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整合,现在就让我们一起来探索吧。


2.大艺术家 歌词



love will be your muse


















大艺术家 歌词

       歌曲名:Love Will Keep Us Together

       歌手:Captain & Tennille


       Love Will Keep Us Together

       -Captain & Tennille

       Love, Love will keep us together

       Think of me babe whenever

       Some sweet talking guy

       comes along singing his song

       Don't mess around,

       You got to be strong

       Just stop, 'cause I really love you

       Stop, I'll be thinking of you

       Look in my heart and let love

       keep us together

       You, You belong to me now

       Ain't gonna set you free now

       When those guys start hanging around

       talking me down

       Hear with your heart and you

       won't hear a sound

       Just stop, 'cause I really love you

       Stop, I'll be thinking of you

       Look in my heart and let love

       keep us together


       Young and beautiful

       Someday your looks will be gone

       When the others turn you off

       Who'll be turning you on

       Love will,love will,love will,love will

       Be there to share forever

       Love will keep us together

       Said it before and I'll

       say it again while others pretend

       I'll need you now and I'll need you then

       Just stop 'cause I really love you

       Stop I'll be thinking of you

       Look in my heart and let love

       keep us together


       Love will,love will,love will

       Love will...

       La la la la...

       You got to stop, 'cause I really love you

       Stop, I'll be thinking of you

       Look in my heart and let love

       keep us together


       Love will,love will,love will

       Love will...

       La la la la...



       2人同问 “大艺术家”的歌词 2012-10-27 11:01 提问者: 知道手机网友 | 来自手机知道 | 悬赏分:30 |浏览次数:5524次

       我来帮他解答 符号编号排版地图 您还可以输入99 个字






       2012-10-27 12:06热心网友大艺术家作词:严云农LOVE WILL BE YOURMUSE他眼神 湛蓝 像从 爱琴海边 刚归来上半身 像诗人 下半身像 流浪汉你爱他 神秘 爱他 危险 YEAH爱他 颓废爱他的优越他心里的野兽 比毕卡索更 狂野桃花比村上隆 画的更泛滥 鲜艳他爱你 随和 爱你 方便 YEAH敢怒不敢言你自我催眠 他是艺术家你给他色盘 去拼贴背叛他不是梵谷 也不是莫内他的模特儿 却都从来不缺少HR面对你他装的 乖的 乖的背对你却乱来 坏的 坏的NE NE NE NE NE… NEVERSTOP他只想搜集 更多 芭比娃娃Wake up你是大艺术家 你真心 创作的爱 无价Wake up别再做慈善家 你其实 没有那么爱他爱是缪思女神的吻谁都应该被宠爱 纹身GO GET IT.GO GET IT.那种美能让 维纳斯诞生你无需忍受他的 人在曹营 心在汉要学会 放下不甘 戒掉母性泛滥他要你 让让 你就 让让 YEAH说的爱你 只是嚷嚷他的 博爱始终没有极限复制 谎言 瓶颈不曾出现你该说再见 就说再见 YEAH千万别留恋美不美丽 不是安迪沃荷 能决定大艺术家要有属于自己的感性爱过就要 拥有勇敢放手 的澹 定大艺术家 会让爱情再文艺复兴DO IT NOW!



























































       I'll tell you a secret.Something they don't teach you,your temple.Gods envy us.They envy us because we ?.Because any moment will be our last,everything were more beautiful because we do.You'll never be lovelier than you are now.We'll never be here again.


       The Gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be more lovely than you are now. We will never be here again.

       War is young man dying,old man talking.

       I've fought many wars in my time.some were fought for land,some for power,some for glory.I suppose fighting for love makes more sense than all the rest.

       Honor the gods,love your woman,defend your contry.







       好了,今天关于“love will be your muse”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的介绍对“love will be your muse”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的实践中更好地运用所学知识。