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5.帮忙翻译下 汽车专业英语




       As is shown in figure 1 - 1, the brake system is composed of the following basic components.

       如图1 – 1 所示,制动系统由下列基本部件构成。

       The "master cylinder" which is located under the hood, and is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts the mechanical pressure of the driver's foot into hydraulic pressure.


       Steel" brake lines" and flexible "brake hoses" connect the master cylinder to the " slave cylinders" located at each wheel.


       Brake fluid, specially designed to work in extreme condition, fills the system.


       "Shoes" and "pads" are pushed by the slave cylinders to contact the "drum" and "rotors" thus causing drag, which (hopefully) slows the car.


       The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder.



       Copyright@2010 Lawrence H.D. All rights reserved







        现在碳钢(0.15% ~ 0.25%)通常是用来使大部分的框架的成员。但是对于高压力商用车辆架、钢的含碳量略高(0.15% ~ 0.30%)各自的热处理的使用。



       There will always be that when you own something when you do not think it would be valuable, but also do not see the value of it, but when you lose it when it come to repentance, but that at the moment when the lateness of the hour, too late for regrets and. I now have such a similar feel.

       A week-long automotive engine disassembly internship is over, memories of this time, he reluctantly are true. Wanted to be back in a week ago, then put in every day practice as seven hours to 27 hours use. This is true, this internship opportunities for me are too precious a true.

       In this internship, I learned about auto engines knowledge, are ever at a lesson on what can not be compared. And I once again felt the profound theoretical and practical combination of the need.

       Teacher because of the arrangement to the engine of our components are Santana 2000 engine. First of all, for the automotive engine theory of knowledge, I understand that:

       Santana in Germany Volkswagen Ltd. 1982 products. The company entered Shanghai in 1983, to cooperate with the development of our country has been the development of three generations - four generations of production lines, and in 95 years will be Santana 2000 Electronic Fuel injection system into the market.

       The main parameters of motor vehicles including technical parameters, the basic parameters, engine and chassis parameters parameters. Structure for the JV type engine, the combustion chamber for the ball flat, so that the function of strong squeezing gas area, to reduce fuel consumption and air pollution Valve for overhead camshaft type, camshaft push rod directly. Advantages of simple structure, the inertia of small parts, the system stiffness, and improve the effective engine speed. Valve for the hydraulic rod to mention, the automatic adjustment of valve clearance. Intake system has electric heaters and temperature control the intake valve, you can ensure that a smooth start and shorten the warm-up time. Closed water cooling system uses forced circulation.

       The basic structure of the modern automobile engine from crank linkage, valve body, transmission system, lubrication system, cooling system, ignition system, start the Department of the composition. Linkage crank engines are energy conversion and transmission of power institutions. Valve bodies are engines of ventilators, ventilation process: on time and turn off the control valve to ensure full combustion gas mixed with gas and emissions. Supply lines are guaranteed to give a total cylinder fresh combustible mixture and export emissions, and in accordance with the different engine operating conditions the supply of different quantity and concentration of combustible gas mixture.






       汽车的主要参数包括技术参数、基本参数、发动机参数和底盘 参数。 发动机结构为JV型,燃烧室为扁球形,这样可以则功能强挤气面积,减低油耗和大气污染配气机构凸轮轴为顶置式,凸轮轴直接推动连杆。优点为结构简单、零件惯性小、系统刚度大、有效提高发动机转速。气门提杆为液压式,气门间隙自动调节。进气系统有电加热器和温度控制进气阀,可以确保汽车顺利启动和缩短暖机时间。冷却系统采用闭式水冷强制循环。




       The car since 1885, "the father of automobile" Karl Benzmade the world's first tricycle, automobile has become one of the indispensable traffic tools of modern. The car generally consists of four basic parts of the engine,chassis, body and electrical equipment. Engine is the power unit of the car, just as our heart; the chassis is equivalent to the human skeleton, to support, installation of car parts; all kinds of apparel automobile body like us, not only used for automobile body, also can be through a variety of different automobile brands and models;electrical equipment from power and two parts electrical equipment, it is like the brain nerve, command "heart"movement. Do you know? First steam car is made inBeijing of china. In 1672, Belgian missionary Nan Huairen,in Beijing to create steam powered mechanical device, has become the first car four wheel steam car. At that time,Watt wasn't born, compound steam engine than he made115 years earlier, Biximingdun steam machine used in theearly 123 years, 150 years earlier than the train forStephenson, 200 years earlier than the Boolean forautomobile. Vehicle classification has many kinds, usually analysed by end use classification, can be divided into ordinary transport vehicle and special vehicle; according tothe power plant classification, divided into the steam engine, internal combustion engine vehicles, electric vehicles, solar car etc..

       Modern cars bring convenience to humans has also brought pollution, more than a hundred years ago, the carrunning has been dependent on gasoline engine. Over the past ten years, the development of electric vehicle batterytechnology, gradually approached us. Electric cars can be divided into three categories, hybrid, plug-in hybrid andelectric vehicle. They are using a power driven, in order to reduce gasoline use, even without the use of gasoline.Influence of electric vehicles on the environment compared with the traditional car is small, safe and convenientenergy, is the social trend of future automotive development. In the development of automobile industry,people in constant progress, I believe there will be more and better the miracle appear!

帮忙翻译下 汽车专业英语

       《中国汽车画报》,是跟世界著名汽车杂志德国《Auto Motor and Sport》合作的,很权威和专业;《轿车情报》,英文名《Autocar》,国际性的汽车杂志的中文版本,也是很权威和专业的;《汽车族》,美国最权威的汽车杂志《Motor Trend》的中国版本,也很不错;《名车志》,国际性汽车杂志,共有八个语言版本,很不错。我认为这是目前国内最好的四种汽车杂志,而且是各有千秋,选择哪一本都不会错。



       《汽车构造与原理》:Automobile structure and principle

       《汽车专业英语》:Automobile Specialty English

       《汽车底盘电控技术》:Automobile chassis charges a technology

       《汽车电器与电子控制》:Automobile electrical equipment and electronic control

       《汽车企业管理》:Automobile business administration

       水泵 water pump

       点火线圈 ignition coil

       速度位置传感器 velocity transducer

       曲轴位置传感器 crankshaft transducer

       凸轮轴位置传感器 camshaft transducer

       曲轴 crankshaft

       凸轮轴 camshaft

       机油泵 lubricating oil pump

       ABS传感器 ABS transducer

       活塞 piston

       散热器 radiator

       机油滤 Oil filter

       汽油滤 petrol filter

       空气滤 air filter


       air-conditioned compressor( compressor clutch)

       皮带张紧轮 belt tightening pulley

       各种灯开关 switch

       变速箱齿轮 gear-box

       变速箱 transmission case

       氧传感器 oxygen sensor
