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arrow keys_arrow keys是哪个键

ysladmin 2024-07-11 人已围观

简介arrow keys_arrow keys是哪个键       arrow keys的今日更新是一个不断变化的过程,它涉及到许多方面。今天,我将与大家分享关于ar

arrow keys_arrow keys是哪个键

       arrow keys的今日更新是一个不断变化的过程,它涉及到许多方面。今天,我将与大家分享关于arrow keys的最新动态,希望我的介绍能为有需要的朋友提供一些帮助。

1.win7安装XP之后出现 use the up and down arrow keys

2.Heroes of Might and Magic III快捷键有哪些?


arrow keys_arrow keys是哪个键

win7安装XP之后出现 use the up and down arrow keys











Heroes of Might and Magic III快捷键有哪些?

       the ARROW KEYS to move, UP to jump and DOWN to drop through a chain. Aim with the MOUSE and press LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to fire a chain.


       2.Press LEFT and RIGHT to walk in those directions. Press UP to jump. Use UP and DOWN to climb on ladders. Freeze the whole level to open up the next one


       3.Use the arrow keys to move. Press SPACE to jump upwards in the direction you are facing. Smash into things with your head to get through the levels!



       Heroes of Might and Magic III的快捷键(Keyboard Shortcuts)


       1.探险地图(Adventure Map)下:

       H:挑选下一位英雄(Select next hero)

       M:移动当前英雄(Moves current hero)

       K:己方王国概览(Kingdom Overview)

       U:切换地图风格(Toggles map elevation)

       C:使用法术(Cast spell)

       Z:把当前英雄设为休眠状态(Puts current hero to sleep)

       W:唤醒当前英雄(Wakens current hero)

       Q:任务记录(Quest Log)

       E:结束回合(End turn)

       A:进入探险选单(Adventure Options)

       V:观看世界(View World)

       V+P:观看藏宝图(Puzzle Map)


       V+I:观看关卡信息(View Scenario Info)

       O:系统菜单(System Options)

       O+M:主菜单(Main Menu)

       O+L:读取进度(Load Game)

       O+R:重玩本卡(Restart Scenario)

       O+S:存储进度(Save Game)

       O+Q:退到桌面(Quit to Desktop)

       O+ESC:返回游戏Return to Game

       Arrow Keys(箭头键):移动当前英雄(Moves current hero)

       CTRL+Arrow Keys:卷动探险地图(Scrolls Adventure Map)

       ENTER(回车键): 把当前英雄或当前城镇在探险地图上居中(Centers current hero or town on Adventure Map)

       TAB:在多人模式下传送一条聊天信息(Send a chat message)


       2.战斗屏幕(Combat Screen)下:

       A:自动战斗模式开/关(Automatic combat on/off)



       C:施法(Cast spell)



       O:战斗设定选项(Combat Options)

       T:观看当前部队状况(View troop)

       F5:切换弹出部队信息类型(Toggles creature pop-up types)

       F6:切换六方格是否显示(Toggles hex grid display)

       F7:切换鼠标阴影是否显示(Toggles mouse shadow display)

       F8 - 切换部队移动范围阴影是否显示(Toggles movement shadow display)

       Up/Down Arrow Keys:上下卷动战斗说明信息(Scrolls combat messages)

       SPACE:当前部队休息,跳到下一部队(Selects next creature )

       S:结束布阵开始战斗(Start combat during Tactics phase)

       3.城镇屏幕(Town Screen)下:

       Up Arrow:前一城镇(Previous town)

       Down Arrow:后一城镇(Next town)

       4.魔法书(Spell Book)屏幕下:

       Left/Right Arrows:魔法书翻页(Turns pages)

       Up/Down Arrows:切换不同系魔法(Move through bookmarks)

       A:切换到探险类魔法(Displays adventure spells)

       C:切换到战斗类魔法(Combat spells)

       5.观看部队窗口(View Army Window)下:

       U:部队升级(Upgrade creature)

       D:解散部队(Dismiss creature)



       F4:切换窗口/全屏模式(Toggles window/full screen display)

       Esc:取消,退出或否(Cancel, Exit, or No)

       ENTER:同意,接受或是(Okay, Accept,or Yes)



       zoom 指令可以将图形放大或缩小,若要将图形放大时用 zoom on,zoom out,当不再须要放大或缩小图形时用 zoom off。

       >> M=peaks(25); % peaks 是MATLAB内建的一个像山峰的特别函数,25是这个

       >> plot(M) % 函数矩阵的大小,如果数值愈大则画出的山峰图愈平滑

       >> zoom on % 开始放大图形,每按一次Enter键图形就放大一次

       >> zoom out % 开始缩小图形,每按一次Enter键图形就缩小一次

       >> zoom off % 停止图形放大或缩小功能


       图形移动,放大缩小等功能的函数 :

       function axdrag(action)

       %AXDRAG Pan and zoom with simple keystrokes

       % Use this tool to move quickly around the data displayed in a 2-D plot.

       % Make sure the figure has focus, and then press any of the following

       % keys to zoom in or out. Clicking and dragging will pan the data.


       % Keys you can use are:

       % z, Z: zoom in, zoom out, in both dimensions

       % x, X: zoom in, zoom out, x dimension only

       % y, Y: zoom in, zoom out, y dimension only

       % arrow keys: pan the data

       % a: axis auto

       % n: axis normal

       % e: axis equal

       % g: toggle grid state

       % spacebar: toggle axis tick display state

       % h: help


       % Example

       % c = pi*(1+sqrt(5))/2;

       % x = 0:1000;

       % r = 2.72378;

       % z = cumsum(exp(i*(c*x.*x + r)));

       % plot(real(z),imag(z));

       % axdrag

       % % Now click, drag, and use special keys ...

       % Ned Gulley, March 2003

       persistent x0 dx

       if nargin < 1,

       action = 'initialize';


       % Use these variables to change the zoom and pan amounts

       zoomFactor = 0.9;

       panFactor = 0.02;

       % Get rid of the help window if it's being displayed

       helpTextAxis = findobj(gcbf,'Type','axes','Tag','axdraghelpaxis');

       if isempty(helpTextAxis)

       helpWasOff = 1;


       helpWasOff = 0;



       switch action

       case 'initialize'

       set(gca,'ButtonDownFcn','axdrag start')

       set(gcf,'KeyPressFcn','axdrag keypress')


       case 'start'



       set(gcbf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','axdrag move')

       set(gcbf,'WindowButtonUpFcn','axdrag stop')

       currentPoint = get(gcbf,'CurrentPoint');

       x0 = currentPoint;

       axdrag move

       case 'move'

       currentPoint = get(gcbf,'CurrentPoint');

       dx = currentPoint - x0;

       x0 = currentPoint;

       ap = get(gca,'Position');

       xLim = get(gca,'XLim');

       yLim = get(gca,'YLim');

       set(gca,'XLim',xLim-(diff(xLim)*dx(1)/ap(3)), ...


       case 'stop'





       case 'keypress'

       currChar = get(gcbf,'CurrentCharacter');

       if isempty(currChar)



       if currChar=='a',

       axis auto

       elseif currChar=='e',

       axis equal

       elseif currChar=='n',

       axis normal

       elseif currChar=='g',


       elseif currChar==28,


       xLimNew = xLim + panFactor*diff(xLim);


       elseif currChar==29,


       xLimNew = xLim - panFactor*diff(xLim);


       elseif currChar==30,


       yLimNew = yLim - panFactor*diff(yLim);


       elseif currChar==31,


       yLimNew = yLim + panFactor*diff(yLim);


       elseif abs(currChar)==32,

       if isempty(get(gca,'XTick')),





       elseif (currChar=='x') | (currChar=='X'),

       if currChar == 'X',




       xLimNew = [0 zoomFactor*diff(xLim)] + xLim(1) + (1-zoomFactor)*diff(xLim)/2;


       elseif (currChar=='y') | (currChar=='Y'),

       if currChar == 'Y',




       yLimNew = [0 zoomFactor*diff(yLim)] + yLim(1) + (1-zoomFactor)*diff(yLim)/2;


       elseif (currChar=='z') | (currChar=='Z'),

       if currChar == 'Z',





       xLimNew = [0 zoomFactor*diff(xLim)] + xLim(1) + (1-zoomFactor)*diff(xLim)/2;

       yLimNew = [0 zoomFactor*diff(yLim)] + yLim(1) + (1-zoomFactor)*diff(yLim)/2;


       elseif currChar=='h',

       if helpWasOff

       str = { ...

       ' '

       ' AXDRAG. Keys you can use are:'

       ' '

       ' z, Z: zoom in, zoom out, both dimensions '

       ' x, X: zoom in, zoom out, x dimension only '

       ' y, Y: zoom in, zoom out, y dimension only '

       ' arrow keys: pan the data'

       ' a: axis auto'

       ' n: axis normal'

       ' e: axis equal'

       ' g: toggle grid state'

       ' spacebar: toggle axis tick display state'

       ' h: help'

       ' '

       ' Press ''h'' again to dismiss this message'

       ' ' ...


       helpTextAxis = axes( ...

       'Tag','axdraghelpaxis', ...

       'Units','characters', ...

       'Position',[2 1 76 16], ...


       text(0,1,str, ...

       'Parent',helpTextAxis, ...

       'VerticalAlignment','top', ...

       'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0.8], ...

       'FontName','courier', ...





       今天关于“arrow keys”的讲解就到这里了。希望大家能够更深入地了解这个主题,并从我的回答中找到需要的信息。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时告诉我。