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佚名 2024-05-24 人已围观








       E:There is a gile named Paikea who is brave, strong and always shows a super-confidence on her face.Do you remember her?

       ED:Yes, she is the little heroine in the movie Whale Rider.

       E:Yeah, right, Whale Rider.It shows us an adventure where a little girl pursues her own culture, which breaks traditional routine.Speaking of this, ED, you know what, of all the movies we have watched, little used the gorgeours scenery of New Zealand.

       ED:Yeah, we have been occupied by the Hollywood action movies like Terminator,previously, and now Iron Man. When our teacher showed us this movie named Whale Rider, it really made an impression on me.

       E:I have the same feeling. The movie showed the charming point of it's local culture through a natural scene. Nature and humanity is it's everlasting theme.

       Moreover,ED,did you ever feel that there is a kind of contradiction inside?

       ED:Hah,you just said what I wanted to say.Right, contradiction it is.The contradiction from Paikea and her grandfather, and what's more?

       E:From Koro being too stubborn to give Paikea a chance, and yet the worries he has for tradition is not a meanningless conservative.The movie reveals the old customes of Maori, as well as the practical issue that some yongsters which are far away from traditional tribes are obsessed by drugs,alchol and other unhealthy activities came along with modern life. Thus, it's not only one simple contradiction. The persistance to traditon is source of ispiration of Maori.Without the powerful cultural and historical tradition, the pure we felt in this movie will not become so impressive.

       ED:Though Koro is reluctant to have Paiker in the competation of candidate worriors because of traditional issues, as you said, he has his own worries.The most successful point of this movie is , I guess, that it tells the contradiction of emotion and tradition, and also comes to the issue of women's right and interests.





       1.The wings of a crow can never cover up the sun.乌鸦的翅膀遮不住太阳。

       2.A crane and a crow had made a league on oath.鹤和乌鸦宣誓结盟。

       3.A couple of ravens croaked above our boat.两只乌鸦在我们小船的上空嘎嘎叫着。

       4.The wings of a crow cannot blot out the radiance of the sun.乌鸦翅膀遮不住太阳。

       5.Crows all but destroyed a farmer's field of corn.乌鸦几乎把农夫田里的王蜀泰都吃光了。

       6.You don't expect me to know the private history of the crows.你不会希望我知道乌鸦们的隐秘历史吧。

       乌鸦(拉丁学名:Corvus?Linnaeus, 1758),别称为老鸹,是鸦科、鸦属中数种黑色鸟类的俗称。




       ED:是的,她是**whale rider的小女主角。

       E:是的,没错,whale rider,它向我们展示了一个冒险,一个小女孩追求自己文化的冒险,一部打破封建常规的冒险,说到这,ED,你记得吗?在咱们看过的大多数影片中,选用迷人的新西兰风情的却不是很多呢。

       ED:是的,我们的注意力都集中那些好莱坞动作大片上了,像以前的终结者,像现在的钢铁侠,当老师向我们播放这部名为whale rider的**时,就感到眼前一亮呢。






       ED:嗯,用纯澈如大海般的心灵让我们感受,这就是whale rider。文化的流失也好,


       E:但像whale rider这样,用纯朴道出真谛的,还真是头一次见到。

       ED:呵呵是啊,说到这,肯定有很多朋友想知道whale rider是什么样呢?真的骑上鲸鱼了吗?我自己还深刻的记得那鲸骑士是多么的美丽,那是我认为**最让我感动的地方。



       E: there is such a girl, her courage, her strength, her face filled with self-confidence is always light, like an Amazon woman warrior, her name is Paikea, you remember?

       ED: Yes, she is a small whale rider movie actress.

       E: Yes, yes, whale rider, it shows us an adventure, a little girl in pursuit of their own culture, adventure, an adventure to break the feudal General, said that, ED, you remember? We read in most of the film, choose the charming style of New Zealand is not a lot of it.

       ED: Yes, we have focused their attention on those Hollywood action movie, and like the previous Terminator, Iron Man, as now, when the teacher told us this play called whale rider the movie, it was eye opener it.

       E: I, too, a natural and simple film scenes to show us the charm of local culture, which contains natural and human is its constant theme. But the most important, ED, you have no feeling here, but it also contains a contradiction?

       ED: Haha you just say I think that's right, contradictions, conflicts from Paikea and her grandfather, also from the?

       E: from koro Although the stubborn reluctance to Paikea opportunities, but the loss of his traditional conservative concerns about not unreasonable. In the display of the ancient customs of the Maori, let us see the film away from the traditional tribal Some young people indulge in modern society drug, alcohol and other unhealthy living. Therefore, not only the simple side of conflict, the traditional Maori uphold is to maintain the spirit of the source, if the loss of the film behind a strong Maori cultural and historical tradition, we feel the purity of the film would not have enjoys popular support.

       ED: Although koro adhere to the traditional reluctance to Paikea participate in the election among the ranks of warriors, but as you said, he also has his worries. I think this film is also the most successful, although it describes the conflict between emotion and tradition, but also involves the issue of women's rights, but it is not what we are talking to the major principles, the director is only through the lens of its language, a 12-year-old girl by the tireless efforts of the audience with confident and beautiful.

       E: Haha, this is why we called Paikea Hero reasons. Her efforts to do it, and did.

       ED: ah, with pure heart like an ocean Che we feel that this is the whale rider. The loss of culture Ye Hao,

       Women's rights and interests of Ye Hao, is not no movie mentioned before, and even mentioned a lot.

       E: But such as whale rider, with the essence of simplicity Daochu, really is the first time to see.

       ED: Oh yes ah, said it certainly has many friends would like to know the whale rider is like? Really ride a whale yet? I also remember the profound beauty of Whale Rider is how it is I think the film touched me the most places.

       E: You and I feel almost let the audience to discover it, I believe this movie is like peony in a lily, although not absolutely brilliant quartet, but Elegant refined.

       ED: We strongly recommend to you ~ this is full of charming style of the film in New Zealand.
