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business computing

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business computing

       非常感谢大家聚集在这里共同探讨business computing的话题。这个问题集合涵盖了business computing的广泛内容,我将用我的知识和经验为大家提供全面而深入的回答。

1.What is data?

2.请问有人知道red river college这间学校吗?


business computing

What is data?

       What is data?

        In computing, data is information that has been translated into a form that is efficient for movement or processing. Relative to today's computers and transmission media, data is information converted into binary digital form. It is acceptable for data to be used as a singular subject or a plural subject. Raw data is a term used to describe data in its most basic digital format.

        The concept of data in the context of computing has its roots in the work of Claude Shannon, an American mathematician known as the father of information theory. He ushered in binary digital concepts based on applying two-value Booleanlogic to electronic circuits. Binary digit formats underlie the CPUs, semiconductor memories and disk drives, as well as many of the peripheral devices common in computing today. Early computer input for both control and data took the form of punch cards, followed by magnetic tape and the hard disk.

        Early on, data's importance in business computing became apparent by the popularity of the terms "data processing" and "electronic data processing," which, for a time, came to encompass the full gamut of what is now known as information technology. Over the history of corporate computing, specialization occurred, and a distinct data profession emerged along with growth of corporate data processing.

        How data is stored?

        Computers represent data, including video, images, sounds and text, as binary values using patterns of just two numbers: 1 and 0. A bit is the smallest unit of data, and represents just a single value. A byte is eight binary digits long. Storage and memory is measured in megabytes and gigabytes.

        The units of data measurement continue to grow as the amount of data collected and stored grows. The relatively new term "brontobyte," for example, is data storage that is equal to 10 to the 27th power of bytes.

        Data can be stored in file formats, as in mainframe systems using ISAM and VSAM. Other file formats for data storage, conversion and processing include comma-separated values. These formats continued to find uses across a variety of machine types, even as more structured-data-oriented approaches gained footing in corporate computing.

        Greater specialization developed as database, database management system and then relational database technology arose to organize information.

        Types of data

        Growth of the web and smartphones over the past decade led to a surge in digital data creation. Data now includes text, audio and video information, as well as log and web activity records. Much of that is unstructured data.

        The term big data has been used to describe data in the petabyte range or larger. A shorthand take depicts big data with 3Vs -- volume, variety and velocity. As web-based e-commerce has spread, big data-driven business models have evolved which treat data as an asset in itself. Such trends have also spawned greater preoccupation with the social uses of data and data privacy.

        Data has meaning beyond its use in computing applications oriented toward data processing. For example, in electronic component interconnection and network communication, the term data is often distinguished from "control information," "control bits," and similar terms to identify the main content of a transmission unit. Moreover, in science, the term data is used to describe a gathered body of facts. That is also the case in fields such as finance, marketing, demographics and health.

        Data management and use

        With the proliferation of data in organizations, added emphasis has been placed on ensuring data quality by reducing duplication and guaranteeing the most accurate, current records are used. The many steps involved with modern data management include data cleansing, as well as extract, transform and load (ETL) processes for integrating data. Data for processing has come to be complemented by metadata, sometimes referred to as "data about data," that helps administrators and users understand database and other data.

        Analytics that combine structured and unstructured data have become useful, as organizations seek to capitalize on such information. Systems for such analytics increasingly strive for real-time performance, so they are built to handle incoming data consumed at high ingestion rates, and to process data streams for immediate use in operations.

        Over time, the idea of the database for operations and transactions has been extended to the database for reporting and predictive data analytics. A chief example is the data warehouse, which is optimized to process questions about operations for business analysts and business leaders. Increasing emphasis on finding patterns and predicting business outcomes has led to the development of data mining techniques.

        Data professionals

        The database administrator profession is an offshoot of IT. These database experts work on designing, tuning and maintaining the database.

        The data profession took firm root as the relational database management system (RDBMS) gained wide use in corporations, beginning in the 1980s. The relational database's rise was enabled in part by the Structured Query Language (SQL). Later, non-SQL databases, known as NoSQL databases, arose as an alternative to established RDBMSes.

        Today, companies employ data management professionals or assign workers the role of data stewardship, which involves carrying out data usage and security policies as outlined in data governance initiatives.

        A distinct title -- the data scientist -- has appeared to describe professionals focused on data mining and analysis. The benefit of presenting data science in an evocative manner has even given rise to the data artist; that is, an individual adept at graphing and visualizing data in creative ways.

        What is the difference between data and information?

请问有人知道red river college这间学校吗?


        诺桑比亚大学分为四个独立的校区:Newcastle City校区和Coach Lane校区位于泰恩河(Tyne)畔的纽卡斯尔市(Newcastle)内,另有位于坎布里亚郡(Cumbria)的卡莱尔市Carlisle校区和位于诺森伯兰郡(Northumberland)的Longhirst校区。四个校区离市中心远近不等,有免费的汽车来往于各校区与市区之间。


        诺桑比亚大学位于英格兰东北区首府,泰恩(Tyne)河畔纽卡斯尔市中心。诺桑比亚大学始建于1870,学科有400多种,是全英规模最大的大学之一,其前身是卢瑟福工程学院(Rutherford College of Engineering), 1969年合并当地商业与科技学院和国内著名的艺术与设计学院,成为纽卡斯尔综合性工程技术学院(Newcastle Polytechnic)。1992年升为大学。诺桑比亚大学因其杰出的课程质量而连续得到官方的认可,并连年获得好评。1998、1999、2000连续三年被《星期日泰晤士报》评为"最好的新大学"。2001 被《每日电讯》评为全英大学甲级学校之一。同在2001年被泰晤士报列为教学质量最优秀的大学之一。是一个真正的多文化学习中心, 吸引了大量国内外学子。现有在校生约24,000人,其中包括来自除英国外80多个国家的约2,000名海外学生。

        诺森比亚大学位于英格兰东北部(the North East of England),共分四个各自独立的校区-纽卡斯尔市校区和Coach Lane校区,这两个校区都位于泰恩河(Tyne)畔的纽卡斯尔市内,位于坎布里亚郡(Cumbria)的卡莱尔市(Carlisle)校区和位于诺森伯兰郡(Northumberland)的Longhirst校区。



        1 学术英语

        2 本科

        3 研究生




        理工科 IELTS 6.0或者TOEFL 550

        文科 IELTS 6.5或者TOEFL 580

        艺术设计 IELTS 6.0或者TOEFL 550

        商学院 IELTS 6.5或者TOEFL 580


        诺桑比亚大学作为一所排名中等的大学,以其学费相对于同类大学低廉而占优势。并且, 纽卡斯尔虽然是英格兰东北部的主要大城市之一,生活费用却相对便宜。对于经济条件相对受限制的学生来说,是值得考虑的大学之一。

        理工科 £7,500 - £7,550

        文科 ££6,515 - £6,565

        艺术设计 £7,550

        商学院(除MBA专业)MBA £8,500(£13,000)

        语言(一学期) /(两学期) £2,250/4,500





       l 每年9、2、4月开学,部分大专证书课程1、9月开学。

       l 该校商业信息技术BIT在英专业排名第一,造就兼通商业和计算机的IT精英

       l 法学院与英语、商业管理在英格兰高等教育基金委员会Higher Education Funding Council for England教学品质评估调查中获得“优”Excellent, 教学品质卓越有保障,商科2001年排名第21。


       托福550 雅思6.0





       艺术和社会科学 5,750--6,250镑

       理工科 6,050--6,370镑


       艺术和社会科学 6,150--7,200镑

       理工科 6,700镑

       MBA 8,170镑

       英语语言课程 4,200镑/年 2,100镑/6个月


       本科课程Undergraduate Course

       商业Business Studies

        商业管理 Business Management

       物流和连锁供应管理 Logistics & Supply Chain Management

       会计 Accountancy

        金融业务Financial Service

       商业与电子商务Business with E-Commerce

        会计和金融 Accounting & Finance

       商业信息系统 Business Information System

        工业计算机 Computing for Industry

       商业计算机 Computing for Business

        多媒体计算机 Multimedia Computing

       电子商务-计算机 E- Computing

        国际商业和技术 International Business & Technology

       应用商业计算机 Applied Business Computing

        网络计算机Internet Computing

       计算机和网络技术 Computer & Network Technology

        通讯和电子工程 Communication & Electronic Engineering

       时装设计 Fashion

        时装市场营销 Fashion & Marketing

       图形设计 Graphic Design

        多媒体设计 Multimedia Design

       工业设计 Design for Industry

        信息和通讯管理 Information & Communication Management

       三维立体设计(家具/室内设计/珠宝/精细产品)Three Dimensional Design: Furniture and Interior/Jewellery & Fine Art

       现代摄影 Contemporary Photographic Practice

        媒体制作 Media Production

       研究生课程Postgraduate Course

       风险管理 MSc Risk Management

        国际金融(融资)管理MSc Global Financial Management

       人力资源管理 MA Human Resource Management

        商业信息技术 MSc Business Information Technology(BIT)

       市场营销 MSc Marketing

        国际商业管理 MA International Business Administration

       房地产管理 MA Real Estate Management

        住房政策和管理 MSc Housing Policy& Management

       国际项目管理 Msc Internation Project Management

        旅游资源管理 MA Travel & Tourism Resource Management

       运动管理 MSc/Dip Sport Management

        教育 MA/Dip Studies in Education

       材料工程 Materials Engineering

        机械工程 Mechanical Engineering

       环境保护科学 Environmental Protection Science

        物业管理 Estate Management

       建筑环境设计 Architectural Environmental Design

        建筑设计和管理 Architectural Design & Management

       建筑技术 Architectural Technology

        建筑和城镇保护 Architectural & Urban Conservation

       商业信息技术 Business Information Technology (BIT)

        应用计算机 MSc/Dip Applied Computing Technology

       计算机 MSc/Dip Computing

        电子商务技术 MSc/Dip E-Business Technology

       文化管理 MA Cultural Management

        美术 MA Fine Art

       设计 MA/Dip Design

        经济学 MSc Economics

       政治和经济MSc Political Economics

        环境管理MSc Environmental Management

       法学 LLB Barristers Exempting

        法律 LLB Exempting


       专门学术英语课程(Academic English Preparation Course)


       设计学院 Faculty of Arts

       拥有一个建成已久的设计研究中心。该学院除了已有的硕士课程外,最近又加入一个新的硕士课程,即设计实践(MA Design Practice)。该课程以理论与实际研究为基础,注重专业设计的实践。在2001年泰晤士报对教学质量的评估中,诺桑比亚大学艺术与设计系获得22分(满分为24分)。目前学院的设计课程包括:工业设计,交通设计,三维设计,平面设计,多媒体设计,服装设计,时装市场等等。

       工程与科学技术学院Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology

       分为建筑环境系,应用与分子科学系,计算机与数学系和工程系。共20个硕士专业可供选择。例如设备管理(Facilities Management),项目管理(Project Management),分析化学(Analytical Chemistry),计算机(Computing),应用计算机技术(Applied Computing Technology),电子商务(e-Business Technology),材料工程(Material Engineering)等等。

       电子商务专业课程包括三个主要学习主题(包括技术管理, 网络技术,电子商务应用)和一个实验项目。其间还会邀请客座讲师对一些联系到商业目的与实践的具体课题进行分析。

       项目管理专业目的在于发展个体的管理相关技能, 以使其达到部门最高,最有效的管理水平。并发展在项目管理领域里的广泛技能以适应不断变化的客户环境。其中心课程包括项目管理,策略学,信息与调查。

       纽卡斯尔商学院Newcastle Business School(NBS)

       以其灵活敏锐的商业和管理教育而闻名于国内外。其商业与管理教育适应各种层次学习的要求,提供从本科文凭到硕士学位,MBA以及PhD各种水平的课程。英国高等教育基金会(HEFCE)的教学质量评估员对纽卡斯尔商学院提供的课程均评为“优秀”课程。该商学院的硕士课程包括:国际贸易管理(International Business Administration),市场营销(Marketing),风险管理(Risk Management),旅游资源管理(Tourism Resource Management),全球金融管理(Global Financial Management),人力资源管理(Human Resource Management)等等。

       社会科学学院Faculty of Social Science

       设有经济学系,地理与环境管理系,政府与政治系,法律系,心理学系,社会学系和体育科学系。包括经济学(Economics),灾害管理与可持续发展(Disaster management and Sustainable Development),国际商法(LLM),职业心理学(Occupational Psychology), 应用社会科学(Applied Sociology), 体育管理(Sports Management)等20多个专业。



       以下是我搜索的关于red river college 的资料,希望能对你有帮助












       2+1:公立学院学习2年,获得毕业证;工作1 年同时获得省提名。留学2年,工作 1年,同时办理省提名申请手续。两年的生活费及学费约为人民币30万元,第一年工作年薪约为人民币22万元。移民后可以选择全职学习或边工作边学习,皆可享受加拿大教育补贴,可以将之前在学院所修的学分转入大学,缩短修学士学位的时间。也可以选择工作一段时间后进修研究生。
































       好了,今天关于“business computing”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够对“business computing”有更深入的认识,并从我的回答中得到一些启示。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时告诉我。