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ysladmin 2024-07-19 人已围观

简介Mobilized_void       随着科技的发展,Mobilized的今日更新也在不断地推陈出新。今天,我将为大家详细介绍它的今日更新,让我们一起了解它的最新技术。




2.如何正确使用网络 为题 用英语写一篇作文







       creeping 作定语时,意为:happening, developing, or moving slowly or gradually,可以翻译为“慢慢发展的”或“慢慢滋长的” ;cynicism 愤懑;愤世嫉俗

       故,creeping cynicism 可以理解为“慢慢滋长的愤懑”


       You can’t lose heart, or grow cynical if there are twists and turns on your journey. The cynics may be the loudest voices — but I promise you, they will accomplish the least. (大意是:在你的人生旅途中,你遇到起起伏伏,但你不能丧失信心,也不能变得愤世嫉俗。愤世嫉俗者的声音(或意见)可能是最大的,但我向你保证,他们的成就会最小。)

       set your sight lower 把你的目光调低;降低你的目标

       trajectory 发展轨迹(因为国家发展不是直线上升的,而是有弧线的,即曲折上升的)

       sat in 这个短语没有问题,它是相对应stood up来说的

       at incredible odds 字面意思是:面对令人难以置信的不如意的事,即“成功的可能性极小”



如何正确使用网络 为题 用英语写一篇作文


       1、A slope failure can reasonably be considered as a full scale shear test (capable to give a measure of the strength) mobilized at failure along the slip surface.


       2、The principle of the proposed approach is illustrated in Fig.12 which gives the driving and resisting force 〔acting (on each pile in a row) as a function (of the non-dimensional pile interval ratio B/D)〕.

       句子分析:which后面引导了一个定语从句修饰Fig. 12。在这个成分内部,acting as a funcion 是现在分词短语作the driving and resisting force 的定语。)


       3、Moreover progressive failure or softening 〔resulting in strength reductions (that are different from a point to the other)〕, can render heterogeneous even deposits before homogeneous. (主要是后半句不知怎么翻译)



       As in recent years the popularity of computer and network the rapid development of young people began to contact and use of computers,and many people to the Internet as their leisure is an important part of life.The modern age is the information age,is the Internet era,computer network change people's work,study,living,reading and thinking habits,computer network has brought to people is a vast new space.At the same time,the computer network that the "double-edged sword," the negative impact it deserves our vigilance and attention.Some young friends,but because of excessive absenteeism or delay the work of Internet cafes,and some young friends,watching the pornographic websites affect their physical and mental health,and some use of cyber crime,and some even sudden death at Internet cafes.

       How to use the network,how to fully understand the computer network,how to properly use the computer network,how to enhance our ability to judge and analyze how to improve our ability to use and control,how complex and diverse networks and cultural information is not lost?I believe that majority of youngsters from following aspects:

       l,the network's flexibility can be mobilized to study and work motivation.

       In the teaching process,teachers "teach" and "learning" is a two-way activity.Teachers learn how to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students has always been a thorny issue.Currently,some schools deepen the educational reform,breaking the traditional teaching mode,use of network classroom.So even if teachers are able to abstract the content presentation method and by direct exchanges of students to achieve clear results; also give students the purpose,or random in search of information,generated strong interest in learning,mobilized the enthusiasm of learning.In addition,the flexibility of the network to bring the work of many simple and complex,but also can improve the efficiency and quality.

       2,the network can improve the ability of young friends of the hands and independent thinking.

       Many youngsters just beginning to learn the computer,not to move the contents of the computer on,with the increase of knowledge to enable them to broaden the way of thinking,learn to identify problems in the use of,and to find ways to solve the problem,so improve the ability of young friends of the hands and independent thinking.

       3,the network of information-rich resources to bring easy to learn and work.

       Network computer assisted learning software,quality education information dynamic,the latest teaching and research achievements,online check national,provincial and municipal policies,documents,online access to journal data,online reading e-books,etc.,huge and rich information resources classroom teaching content and an effective complement to the work of reference.

       4,fully aware of the negative function of the network is not conducive to young people.

       Negative function of its main features:First,the network learning environment,the dilution of the parents and teachers,"you are the norm," the educational role,the young people the value of the complex and diverse culture of lack of information and analysis to judge the correct result,Some young people have been seriously hurt physical and mental health,what is more obsessed with online games while the sudden death due to Internet cafes.Second,the network learning environment,teachers and parents to play down the "person supervisory" role,some young people addicted to the Internet and abandoned by their studies,some because of economic reasons,into crime.Third,fully aware of the dangers of cybercrime.As networks become increasingly in-depth,online information resources has become increasingly diverse,and increasingly in the areas of information widely,many of them large to state secrets,military intelligence,enterprise planning,economic intelligence,small to securities investment,personal credit cards,privacy and other aspects of life.As the network's openness,and network operating system currently existing in the various security holes,making a number of people attempting to illegally obtain confidential criminals from taking advantage.Computer hackers attack networks,steal military secrets,tampering with bank accounts,personal credit card theft,etc.illegal activities have seriously endangered the whole of mankind.

       Majority of youngsters from the two sides of things,to understand the network,enabling full use of one hand,to avoid damaging the one hand,against our correct understanding of the network,the correct use of the network,make full use of the network,the network for our learning,work and life services.


       中国国际广播电台的翻译为:“The nation remains mobilized for brand new endeavors.”原文“大家撸起袖子”应为呼吁,而翻译则像描述即成事实,回译过来便是:“全国人民为了新的事业,都动员起来了。”

       中央电视台的翻译为:“We roll up our sleeves and work with added energy.”撸起袖子这部分翻译得到位,但“加油”翻译为“with added energy”, 意思没错,但比较生硬。


       To promote the rich district urban management process, improve the level of urban management. To further enhance the level of urban management, district party committee, district organizations dedicated to LeTing, abundant south, learning the advanced experience and practices. Advanced experience: 1, attaches great importance to, unified leadership; 2, the responsibility is clear, fine management; 3, sound system, strengthen supervision; 4, diverse input, share development; 5, be mobilized, atmosphere. Through the study, according to the situation of our district, analysis of problems existing in the management of our city: 1, traffic disorder; 2, and the place is serious; 3, the street looks messy, class is low; 4, low level of health; 5, prohibition LuanZhan chaos to build problem; 6, flowers and plants, BianDaoZhuan facilities such as reform of the management is not timely. The main reason is: the city management system, unclear responsibilities, fragmented; Responsible department failed to good performance; Urban roads and other infrastructure construction lags behind; Citizen civilized quality as a whole is not high. According to above reasons, we should be related to the livelihood of the people, is a matter of global, as economic development, is a matter of party committee, image height, around creating beautiful city and civilized city, modern city overall goal, adhere to the party committee leadership, organization, the department is responsible for, how to, the whole people to participate in an, heavy penalties in accordance with the law in accordance with the rules and principles, highlight key, implementing step by step, set up four mechanisms, implementation of the six projects, strongly promote the "four" (traffic, governance and other dirty, poor governance) level. On this basis, from the following aspects as protection, broaden the channels of management, implement micrometer by discussion; A cadre examination hard and fast rules. Clearly define the responsibility of ZhuOu factory enterprises in urban management; To strengthen the supervision and audit of urban construction funds management; On health management market-oriented management model; Through the way of raising funds from society, increase infrastructure construction investment.


       The earthquake has shocked me.Recently I logged on Baidu to search the events about Sichuan earthquake.Then all the pics and showed out. I was really shocked, seeing all those pics and videos about the earthquake. i am also touched by the beautiful soldiers who spare no effort to save the innocent,beautiful lives.

       I've heard about the Tangshan earthquake before.I've heard that it's very frightening to experience that moment, when you don't know whether you will survive in the end. People trapped in the earthquake must be very scared.Thanks to our premere Wen Jiabao,thanks to our Communist Party,who strive to save the people.


       On Cooperation

       Families specialize in their tasks by dividing the work among the different members according to what they are best qualified to do。 For example, mothers cook, children wash dishes and make beds, fathers mow the graand paint the house。 By doing the same thing again and again, and by close cooperation, a family is able to work faster and get more work done than if just one do many kinds of tasks。 Similarly, it is ‘cooperation‘ that make our complicated modern society work。

       As is depicted in the cartoon.there are two handicapped men supporting each other:one is lame in the left leg, while the other in the other in the right.They have overcome their difficulty of lameneby cooperating with each other and are successfully going on with their journey. the caption below the picture says,"You have only only one leg, and so do I .Helping each other,we can travel wherever we want."

       The picture really sets me thinking. It manifests the importance of cooperation and the necessity of keeping in step with each other.There are a lot of examples to illustrate the issue.Of them ,the most obvious one is the case with war on earthquake in 2008.At that time the whole country was plagued by earthquake.But led by our ,people from all walks of life in the society were mobilized and united as one.Clearly,it was the cooperation through which we won the victory over the earthquake.

       In my opinion, the dependence of people on one another has now increased, without which the society we live iin cannot keep going smoothly. In short, cooperation has become a driving force for the development of our country.

       Last weeked my friends and I finished a ship molden.During that work,everyone respones for a part and workhard on it,at last we make these in a one.When the ship was finish,we smile to each other and feel very happy. I have learn so much from the teamwork,how to get along with others ,to understand and respect each other;to focus on the things we have in common and to learn the differeces. The teamwork sprit is the most important personality for a person


