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learning partner

佚名 2024-05-23 人已围观


learning partner

       我非常愿意为大家解答关于learning partner的问题。这个问题集合包含了一些复杂而有趣的问题,我将尽力给出简明扼要的答案,并提供进一步的阅读材料供大家深入研究。

1.Looking for a Learning Chinese & English Partner

learning partner

Looking for a Learning Chinese & English Partner

       First of all nice to meet you . I am a Chinese and I am educated with English since I was young. ?. It is understandable that you are eager to learn and I am willing to help out. Clear as it seems that I am not qualified as your partner , viewing the age limit you have set. But I couldn't imagine any far how you could find dual language partner in the vicinity of Shanghai.

       I'm just out of high school and is currently tied with a scholarship deal in foreign country. I speak multiple languages and a few dialects like Cantonese , Fukien , Teochiew (excuse my spelling , I'm no longer native). My motive of setting up a Baidu account is to promote English in the Chinese community . It is indeed a pleasure to know that you reflected my intention well.

       I cannot be your day companion but it is fine to be a friend online. I hope I could benefit you in some way. =)

       好了,关于“learning partner”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够对“learning partner”有更深入的了解,并且从我的回答中得到一些启示。