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business 读音_business读音

ysladmin 2024-07-08 人已围观

简介business 读音_business读音       好久不见了,今天我想和大家探讨一下关于“business 读音”的话题。如果你对这个领域还不太了解,那么这篇文章就是为你准备的,让我们

business 读音_business读音

       好久不见了,今天我想和大家探讨一下关于“business 读音”的话题。如果你对这个领域还不太了解,那么这篇文章就是为你准备的,让我们一看看吧。

1.求各种费用的英文翻译 住宿费 交通费 会务费 业务招待费 出差补贴





business 读音_business读音

求各种费用的英文翻译 住宿费 交通费 会务费 业务招待费 出差补贴


       英文:hotel expense。

       读音:英 [h?tel ?k?spens],美 [hotel ?k?spens]。






       英文:transportation expenses。

       读音:英 [?tr?nsp?ten ?ks?p?ns?z],美 [?tr?nspr?ten ?k?sp?ns?z]。





       英文:conference fee。

       读音:英 [?k?nf?r?ns fi?],美 [?kɑ?nf?r?ns fi?]。






       英文:business entertainment。

       读音:英 [?b?zn?s ?entte?nm?nt],美 [?b?zn?s ?ent?r?te?nm?nt]?。






       英文:travel allowance。

       读音:英 [?tr?vl lans],美 [?tr?vl lans]。






       n.?办公室,职务,事务,(政府部门的)部、 局、 厅,有特定用途的房间或建筑物。







       英 ['b?zn?s] 美 ['b?zn?s]

       n. 商业,事务,生意





       4、in business指“在经商营业”,属于形容词短语或状语短语范畴,on business指“因事或因公,出差”,属于状语短语。

       5、go to business意思是“到办事处去、上班”,go into business意思是“从事商业”。

       6、表示“不要管别人的闲事”可说“Mind your own business”。




















       She engaged in business.

       She wants to see you on business.

       5、go to?business意思是“到办事处去,上班”,go into?business意思是“从事商业”。

       She go to business by bike.

       He went into business at the age of 18.

       6、表示“不要管别人的闲事”可说“Mind your own?business”。


       1、depressed business


       2、Make some unprofitable speculations


       3、He was unmanned by his failure in business.


       4、It's on season and my business is in high gear.


       5、A mom-and-pop grocery only makes a bare profit.


       6、It is mutually beneficial and reciprocal to do this deal with the Japanese.


       7、(of taxi drivers,boatmen,etc)wait in a place or move about,looking for passengers


       8、I am a speculator in rarities, and I have dealings with persons interested in numismatics all over the world


       9、He went into illegal business to feather his nest.


       10、The merchant overreached me in a business dealing.




       business 缩写biz英音:['biznis]美音:['b?zn?s]


       名词 n.


       Mr. Jones is in the business of selling cars.


       How is business?


       2. 商店;商行;公司;企业[C]

       She started a new business in Phoenix not long ago.



       This is none of your business.


       4. 事,事体,事务[U][S]

       He is there on business.


       5. 戏(演员的)动作(或表情等)(区别于"对白")[U]

       语法标注解释 business英音:['biznis]美音:['b?zn?s]

       6.商人 my father is a business








       successful businessman成功的商人。

       wealthy businessman富商。

       shrewd businessman精明的商人。


       entrepreneur、seth、business person、merchandiser、trader、bania、businesswoman、city gent、merchant。


       1、Jack is a successful?businessman?because he is kind and honest.


       2、Well, actually, John began his life in the US as a?businessman.


       3、Marco Polo, a?businessman?born in 1254 in Italy, is known as a travel king in the west.


       4、A?businessman?swindled investors out of millions of pounds.



       祝生意兴隆的英文是:Business is booming

       读音:[?b?zn?s z? 'bu:m?]?

business ??

       读音:英[?b?zn?s] 美[?b?zn?s]

       n. 生意; 商业,交易; 事务,业务; 职业,行业;

       复数:businesses ?

is ?

       读音:英[?z] 美[?z]

       vt. 是(be的三单形式);

       n. 存在;


       过去式:was ?

booming ?

       读音:英['bu:m?] 美['bu:m?]

       adj. 急速发展的;

       v. 激增( boom的现在分词 ); 猛涨; 发出隆隆声; 以低沉有力的声音说话;



       祝生意兴隆的英文也可以写成:Business flourishes或者Trade is brisk

flourishes ?


       读音:英 [?fl?r?]? 美 [?fl?:r?]


       v. 茂盛,繁荣( flourish的第三人称单数 ); 兴旺发达; 挥动; ?

       原型:?flourish ?

trade ?

       读音:英[tre?d] 美[treid]

       n. 贸易; 行业; 买卖; <美>顾客;

       vt. 交易,经商;

       vt. 交换; 经营…交易,做…的买卖; ?






brisk ?

       读音:英[br?sk] 美[br?sk]

       adj. 轻快的; 快的; 爽快而清新的; 兴隆的;

       vi. 活跃起来; 变得轻快;

       vt. 使…活泼; 使…轻快;



       business disruption意思是营运冲击,业务中断。

       例句:Recovery?Period?- The?time?period?between?a?business?disruption?and a?return?to?normal?functions, during?which the?Business?Continuity?Plans?are?employed.?




       释义:n. 商业;买卖;生意;商务;公事;营业额;贸易额;营业状况。

       例句:Jennifer has an impressive academic and?business?background.




       释义:n. 中断;扰乱;混乱。

       例句:The strike is expected to cause delays and?disruption?to flights from?Britain.




       1、termination of business

       读音:英[?t?m?ne?n ?v ?b?zn?s],美[?t?rm?ne?n ?v ?b?zn?s]。


       例句:Business registration refers to the facts of the incorporation, change and?termination?of?business?bodies, which reflects their credit base and?condition.


       2、wind up business

       读音:英[w?nd ?p ?b?zn?s],美[w?nd ?p ?b?zn?s]。


       例句:In the event of failure we must?wind?up?our?business.


       好了,关于“business 读音”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够对“business 读音”有更深入的了解,并且从我的回答中得到一些启示。