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_continental hydraulics

tamoadmin 2024-08-11 人已围观

简介1.NOV(National Oilwell Varco)公司是目前全球最大的石油钻设备供应商,有谁能详细解答NOV的成长历程?2.美国哪个州最适合年轻人移民3.中文英文对照2012 is a science fiction drama disaster film, directed by Roland Emmerich and released in 2009. The film stars J

1.NOV(National Oilwell Varco)公司是目前全球最大的石油钻设备供应商,有谁能详细解答NOV的成长历程?



_continental hydraulics

2012 is a science fiction drama disaster film, directed by Roland Emmerich and released in 2009. The film stars John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton and Woody Harrelson. It was distributed by Columbia Pictures. Filming began in August 2008 in Vancouver. The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Because of solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate, eventually causing crustal displacement. This results in an onslaught of Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos. Ranging from Los Angeles falling into the Pacific Ocean, the eruption of the Yellowstone National Park caldera, cataclysmic earthquakes wreaking hoc around the globe, and Megatsunamis surging across the Earth. The film centers around an ensemble cast of characters as they narrowly escape multiple catastrophes in an effort to reach ships in the Himalayas, along with scientists and s of the world who are attempting to se as many lives as they can before the disasters ensue. The film was promoted in a marketing campaign by a fictional organization, the "Institute for Human Continuity"; this entailed a fictitious book written by Jackson Curtis entitled Farewell Atlantis, and streaming media, blog updates and radio broadcasts from the apocalyptic zealot Charlie Frost at his website entitled This Is The End. This campaign was subjected to numerous criticisms, and was regarded as a form of viral marketing. The film received mixed to negative reviews but topped the international box office in its first weekend with $450 million. It ultimately grossed 767,581,683 worldwide becoming Roland Emmerich's second highest grossing film behind Independence Day. Plot 情节 In 2009, American geologist Adrian Helmsley learns from a colleague, Dr. Satnam Tsurtuani, at an underground copper mine in India that neutrinos from a massive solar flare are acting as microwe radiation, causing the temperature of the Earth's core to increase rapidly. Adrian informs White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser and US President Thomas Wilson that this will trigger a catastrophic chain of natural disasters. At the G8 summit in 2010, other heads of state and heads of are made aware of the situation. They begin a massive, secret project intended to ensure the survival of humanity. Approximately 400,000 people are chosen to board a series of ships (called arks) to be constructed in the Himalayas. The majority of tickets aboard the ships are reserved for heads of state, officials and selected individuals chosen for their skills, while additional funding for the project is raised by selling tickets to the private sector at the price of 1 billion euros per person. In 2012, Jackson Curtis is a writer in Los Angeles who works part-time as a limousine driver for Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov. Jackson's ex-wife Kate and their children Noah and Lilly live with her boyfriend, plastic surgeon and amateur pilot Gordon Silberman. Jackson takes Noah and Lily on a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park, where they meet Charlie Frost, a conspiracy theorist living as a hermit and hosting a radio show from the park. Charlie references a theory that suggests the Mayans predicted the world would come to an end in 2012, and claims he has knowledge and a map of the secret ark project. The family returns home as cracks develop along the San Andreas Fault in California and large earthquakes occur in many places along the West Coast. Jackson grows suspicious and rents a plane to rescue his family. He collects his family and Gordon when the Earth's crust displacement begins and they narrowly escape Los Angeles as it collapses into the Pacific Ocean. As millions die in cataclysmic earthquakes worldwide, the group flies to Yellowstone to retrieve Charlie's map. After retrieving the map, the group narrowly escapes as the Yellowstone Caldera erupts. Charlie, who stayed behind to broadcast the eruption, is killed in the blast. Learning that the arks are in China, the group lands in Las Vegas, where they meet Yuri, his sons, girlfriend Tamara, and pilot Sasha. They join the group and secure an Antonov 225 aircraft, fleeing just as Las Vegas is destroyed. Also bound for the arks aboard Air Force One are Anheuser, Adrian, and First Daughter Laura Wilson. President Wilson chooses to remain in Washington D.C., and is soon killed by a mega tsunami that sends the USS John F. Kennedy crashing into the White House. With the Vice President also dead and the Speaker of the House missing, Anheuser takes over as acting president. Arriving in China in a crash-landing that kills Sasha, the group is spotted by the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Yuri and his sons, possessing tickets, are taken to the ships. The Curtis family, Gordon, and Tamara, who do not he tickets, are picked up by Nima, a Buddhist monk on his way to the arks. They stowaway aboard an ark with the help of Nima's brother Tenzin, who has been working on the ark project. A mega tsunami roaches the site as tens of thousands are still attempting to board the final ark, and a large impact driver becomes lodged between the gears of the ark's hydraulics chamber, preventing a boarding gate from closing and rendering the ship unable to start its engines. In the ensuing chaos, Yuri, Gordon, and Tamara are killed, and the flooded ark is set adrift. Jackson and Noah free the impact driver from the closing mechanism, and the crew regains control of the ark, preventing a fatal collision with Mount Everest. When the global floodwater from the tsunamis eventually recedes, satellite data shows that Africa's elevation rose in relation to sea level, and the Drakensberg mountains in KwaZulu Natal are now the highest on the planet. The scientists are sure that the rest of the land on earth will soon rise above sea level, too. As three arks set sail for the Cape of Good Hope, Jackson reconciles with his family and Adrian starts a relationship with Laura. The movie ends with a view of the Earth from space, showing a vastly different continental landscape. 希望帮到你啦~

NOV(National Oilwell Varco)公司是目前全球最大的石油钻设备供应商,有谁能详细解答NOV的成长历程?


abandoned w ell 废井

absorption isotherm 等温吸附

abundance 丰度

acceptance probability 接受概率

acid mine drainage 酸性矿坑排水

acid rain 酸雨

acidity 酸度

acid 酸

active ( inactive) node 活动( 不活动) 结点

activity 活度

activity coefficient 活度系数

adhesive force 吸附力

adsorption 吸收,吸附

advection-diffusion equation 对流 - 扩散方程

advection-dispersion equation 对流 - 弥散方程

aerobic biodegradation 好氧生物降解

age dating of groundw ater 地下水定年

air pressure 气压

alkalinity 碱度

alluvial apron 冲积裙

alluvial fan 冲积扇

alluvial valley 冲积谷地

alluvium 冲积层( 物)

altitude effect 高程效应

aluminum silicate 铝硅酸盐

amplitude 幅度

anaerobic biodegradation 厌氧生物降解

analytical method / roach 解析法

analytical solution 解析解

angle of internal friction 内摩擦角

anhydration 脱水

anhydrite 硬石膏

anisotropy 各向异性

aqueous chemistry 水化学

aquiclude 隔水层

aquifer 含水层

aquifer system 含水层系统

aquifuge 不透水层

aquitard 弱透水层

arid region 干旱地区

arithmetic mean 算术平均

artesian aquifer 自流含水层

artesian w ell 自流井

artificial recharge 人工补给

atmospheric pressure 大气压力

autocorrelation function 自相关函数


backfill soil 回填土

background concentration 背景浓度

bandw idth 带宽

bar chart 条形图

barometric pressure 大气压力

base flow 基流

Bayes theorem 贝叶斯理论

bedrock 基岩

benchmark 基准

best linear unbiased estimate 最优线性无偏估计

bicarbonate 重碳酸根

biodegradation 生物降解

biological degradation 生物降解

bioremediation 生物修复

blind drainage area 内流区

blind valley 盲谷

boiling spring 沸泉

borehole geochemical probe 钻孔地球化学探头

borehole geophysics 钻孔地球物理

boring 钻孔

boundary condition 边界条件

boundary of specified head 给定水头边界

brackish w ater 微咸水

braided river / stream 辫状河

breakthrough curve 穿透曲线

brine 卤水

bromide / chloride ratio Br / Cl 比

bulk density 体积密度

buried karst 隐伏岩溶


Ca / Mg ratio Ca / Mg 比

calcite 方解石

calcium 钙

calcium carbonate 碳酸钙

calibrated model 校正模型

calibration 校准,校正

Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer 寒武 - 奥陶系含水层

capillarity 毛细现象

capillary w ater 毛细水

capillary zone / fringe 毛细水带

capture zone 捕获区

carbon cycle 碳循环

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

carbon fixation 碳固定

carbon - 14 碳 - 14

carbon - 14 dating 碳 - 14 测年

carbonate rock 碳酸盐岩

case study 实例研究

casing 套管

cation exchange 阳离子交换

cation-anion balance 阴阳离子平衡

Cauchy boundary condition 柯西( 混合) 边界条件

chloride 氯化物,氯离子

chlorine - 36 氯 - 36

clastic rock 碎屑岩

clastic sedimentary rock aquifer 碎屑 沉积岩含水层

clay 粘土

clay soil 粘性土

clogging 堵塞

closed system 闭系统

closure criterion 收敛标准

coastal aquifer 滨海含水层

coefficient of compressibility 压缩系数

coefficient of leakage 越流系数

coefficient of permeability 渗透系数

coefficient of skew ness 偏斜系数

coefficient of variation 变差系数

cohesive soil 黏结性土壤

collapse 塌陷

column experiment 柱实验

compressibility 压缩性

concentration gradient 浓度梯度

conceptual model 概念模型

concrete dam 混凝土坝

condensation 浓缩

conditional ( unconditional) simulation 条件( 非条件) 模拟

conditional distribution 条件分布

cone of depression 降落漏斗

confidence interval 置信区间

confidence limit 置信限

confined aquifer 承压含水层

confining layer 隔水层

connate w ater 同生水

conservative pollutant 非降解污染物

consolidation 固结

consolidation of soil 土壤固结

constant head boundary 定水头边界

constant temperature zone 恒温带

constraint 约束( 条件)

contact spring 接触泉

contaminant plume 污染羽

contaminant transport modeling 污染 物 运移模拟

contamination source 污染源

continental drift 大陆漂移

continental effect 大陆效应

continuity equation 连续性方程

contour map 等值线图

convection 对流

coordinate system 坐标系

correlation length 相关长度

corrosion 腐蚀

covariance 协方差

critical depth 临界深度

crystalline rock 结晶岩

cumulative frequency function 累积频率函数

current meter 流量计

curve-matching procedure 配线法


Darcian velocity 达西流速

Darcy's law 达西定律

data assimilation 数据融合

datum level 基准面

dead carbon 死碳

dead-end pore 死端孔隙

debris flow 泥石流

decay constant 衰变常数

decay equation 衰变方程

decision variable 决策变量

declustering 去丛

deep sedimentary w ater 深层沉积水

density-dependent flow 变密度流

depletion 消耗

depositional sequence 沉积序列

depression 洼地,坳陷

depression spring 下降泉,洼地泉

deterministic model 确定性模型

deuterium 氘

deuterium excess 氘盈余( 过剩)

dew point 露点

dew ater 排水,疏干

diffusion 扩散

digital elevation model 数字高程模型

dimensionless variable 无量纲变量

direction of maximum continuity 最大连续性方向

Dirichlet condition 狄里克莱边界条件

discharge 排泄

discharge area 排泄区

discharge of w ell 井的涌水量

discretization 剖分,离散

dispersion 弥散

dispersion coefficient 弥散系数

dissolution and precipitation 溶解与沉淀

dissolved oxygen 溶解氧

distributed pollutant source 分布式( 面) 污染源

distributed sink / source 分 布 式 ( 面 ) 汇 /源

diurnal change 昼夜变化

dolomite 白云岩

dolomitization 白云石( 岩) 化

drainage 排水

draw dow n cone 降落漏斗

draw dow n curve 降深曲线

drinking w ater standard 饮用水标准

dual problem 对偶问题

dune 沙丘

Dupuit assumption / hypothesis 裘布依设

duration curve 历时曲线

dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡


earthquake 地震

earth tide 固体潮

effect of barometric pressure 气压效应

effective porosity 有效孔隙度

effective stress 有效应力

effluent river 地下水补给的河流

electrical conductance 电导

electrical conductivity 电导率

electrical sounding 电测深

elevation effect 高程效应

elevation head 位置水头

enclosed ( non-enclosed) basin 闭合( 不闭合) 流域

endorheic basin 内流( 陆) 盆地

enthalpy 焓

entropy 熵

environmental isotope 环境同位素

equilibrium constant 平衡常数

equilibrium w eight 当量

equipotential line / surface 等势线 / 面,等水头线/面

equivalent 当量

ergodicity 各态历经,遍历性

erosion 侵蚀

error of estimate 估计误差

error tolerance 容许误差

Eularian roach 欧拉法

eustatic sea-level change 全球性海平面变化

evaporation 蒸发

evaporite 蒸发岩( 盐)

evapotranspiration 蒸发蒸腾

expected value 期望值

explicit method 显式法

exploitation and management of water resources水开发与管理

exposure 露头

extraction w ell 开井


fault 断裂 / 断层

fault spring 断层泉

feasible solution 可行解

Fick's law 费克定律

field capacity 田间持水量

finite difference method 有限差分法

finite element method 有限单元法

first law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律

first order irreversible reaction 一级不可逆反应

fissure 裂隙

fit 拟合

flow equation 流动方程

flow line 流线

flow net 流网

flow meter 流量计

fluvial deposit 河流堆积,冲积物

flux boundary 流量边界

forecasting problem 预报问题

forw ard problem 正演问题

fossil w ater 化石水

Fourier transform 傅里叶变换

fractionation 分馏

fracture 裂隙

fracture spring 裂隙泉

free-surface 自由面

fresh w ater-salt w ater interface 咸淡水界面

fully penetrating w ell 完整井

fundamental equation for flow 基本流动方程


gaining stream 潜水补给河,盈水河

Galerkin method 迦辽金法

general head boundary 通用水头边界

geologic map 地质图

geometric mean 几何平均

geophysical method 地球物理方法

geostatistical model 地质统计模型

geothermal anomaly 地温( 热) 异常

geothermal energy 地热能

geothermal field 地热田

geothermal gradient 地温梯度

geothermal reservoir 热储

geothermal w ater 地下热水

geothermal w ell 地热井

geothermics 地热学

geothermometer 地热温标

geyser 间歇喷泉

Ghyben-Herzberg relation 吉本 - 赫兹伯格公式

glacial deposit 冰川堆积,冰碛物

glacial meltw ater 冰川融水

gobis 戈壁

governing equation 控制方程

granite 花岗岩

gritational w ater 重力水

grity dam 重力坝

grity drainage 重力排水

greenhouse effect 温室效应

grey system 灰色系统

grid 格点,网格

ground penetrating radar 探地雷达

ground temperature 地温

groundw ater 地下水

groundw ater monitoring 地下水监测

groundw ater basin 地下水盆地

groundw ater composition 地下水组分

groundw ater divide 地下水分水岭( 线)

groundw ater management 地下水管理

groundw ater quality 地下水水质

groundw ater quantity 地下水水量

groundw ater regime under exploitation 地下水开动态

grout curtain 灌浆帷幕

gypsum 石膏


half-life 半衰期

hardness 硬度

harmonic mean 调和平均

head loss 水头损失

headw ater ( 河流) 源头

heat capacity 热容

heat conductivity 热导率

heat exchange 热交换

heat flow 热流

heat pump 热泵

heat storage 蓄热

heterogeneity 非均质

histogram 柱状图

history matching 历史匹配

homogeneity 均质

hot dry rock 干热岩

hot spring 温泉,热泉

humic acid 腐殖酸

humidity 湿度

hydraulic conductivity 水力传导系数

hydraulic connection 水力联系

hydraulic contact 水力联系

hydraulic gradient 水力梯度

hydraulic head 水头

hydraulic head field ming 流场绘制

hydrodynamic dispersion 水动力弥散

hydrodynamics 水动力学

hydrogen 氢

hydrograph 水文过程线

hydrologic cycle 水文循环

hydrologic map 水文图

hydrostatic pressure 静水压力

hydrostratigraphic unit 水文地层单元

hysteresis 滞后现象


ice core 冰心

identification of aquifer parameter 含 水 层


igneous rock 火成岩

image w ell 虚拟井( 映像井)

immiscible flow 不混溶流

impervious fault 不透水断层

impervious formation 不透水层

implicit method 隐式法

in situ 原位

induced recharge 诱发( 导) 补给,激发补给

infiltration 入渗

infiltration capability 下渗能力

influence radius 影响半径

influent river 补给地下水的河流

initial condition 初始条件

injection w ell 注水井

injection-withdrawal system 抽 - 注水系统

interface 分界面

interfacial tension 界面张力

intermediate zone 过渡带

intermittent stream 间歇性河流

International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能机构

interpolation 内插法

interpretation 解译,解释

inverse problem 逆问题

ion 离子

ion activity product 离子活度积

ion exchange 离子交换作用

ionic strength 离子强度

ionization constant 电离常数

irregular mesh 不规则网格

irreversible process 不可逆过程

isothermal condition 等温条件

isotope 同位素

isotope exchange 同位素交换

isotope separation factor 同位素分馏因子

isotropy 各向同性

iteration 迭代


joint 节理

juvenile w ater 初生水


karst 岩溶

karst aquifer 岩溶含水层

karst collapse 岩溶塌陷

karstification 岩溶化

Kriging method 克里格法


lacustrine deposit 湖积物

lag 滞后

Lagrangian roach 拉格朗日法

laminar flow 层流

land subsidence 地面沉降

landfill 垃圾填埋场

landslide 滑坡

Laplace equation 拉普拉斯方程

latitude effect 纬度效应

law of conservation of mass 质量守恒定律

leakage 越流

leakage confined aquifer 越流承压含水层

leakage factor 越流因子

leakage formation 越流层

leakage phreatic aquifer 越流潜水含水层

leakance 越流系数

lens 透镜体

limestone 灰岩

limited resource 有限

line sink / source 线汇 / 源

lineament 轮廓

linear interpolation 线性插值

linear programming 线性规划

linear regression 线性回归

local flow system 局域( 部) 流动系统

loess 黄土

lognormal distribution 对数正态分布

longitudinal dispersion 纵向弥散

losing stream 亏水河,补给潜水河

lost river 流失河,失水河

low er confining bed 隔水底板

lumped parameter model 集中参数模型


macrodispersion 宏观弥散

macroscopic and larger scale study 宏观大尺度研究

macroscopic level 宏观水平( 尺度)

macroscopic value 宏观值

magmatic w ater 岩浆水

magnesium 镁

management of a groundw ater system 地下水系统管理

management problem 管理问题

marginal distribution 边缘( 际) 分布

mass spectrometer 质谱仪

mass transport equation 溶质运移方程

match 拟合,匹配

mathematical model 数学模型

maximum permissible concentration 最大容许浓度

mean residence time 平均滞留时间

measurement error 测量误差

median 中位数

mesh 网格

metamorphic rock 变质岩

meteoric and original formation w ater 大气降水与原生水

meteoric origin 大气水起源

meteoric w ater line 大气降水线

method of finite element 有限单元法

method of image 映( 镜) 像法,反映法

microscopic level 微观水平( 尺度)

microscopic scale study 微观( 小) 尺度研究

mineral spring 矿泉

minimum 最小值

model identification 模型识别

model parameter 模型参数

model w ith distributed parameter 分布参数模型

moisture content 含水率( 量)

molecule 分子

monsoon 季风

Monte-Carlo method 法

montmorillonite-illite transformation 蒙 脱石 - 伊利石转化

mountainous terrain 山区

multi-aquifer system 多含水层系统

multi-objective optimization technology 多目标优化技术

multiphase flow 多相流

multiple objective decision 多目标决策

multiple w ell systems 多井系统


natural boundary condition 自然边界条件

natural-attenuation 自然衰减

Neuman condition 纽曼( 流量) 边界

nitrate 硝酸盐

nitrogen 氮

noble gas 惰性气体

no-flow boundary 隔水边界

no-flux boundary 零通量边界

nonaqueous phase liquid 非水相液体

nonlinear equation 非线性方程

nonrenew able resource 不可再生

nonsteady flow 非稳定流

nuclear w aste repository 核废物处置库

nugget effect 块金效应

numerical dispersion 数值弥散

numerical method 数值法

numerical simulation 数值模拟

numerical solution 数值解


objective function 目标函数

observation w ell 观测井

observation w ell placement 观测井布置

one-dimensional consolidation 一维固结

one-dimensional flow 一维流

optimal solution 最优解

optimal yield 最优开量

optimization problem 最优化问题

ordinary Kriging 普通克里格

organic compound 有机物

outcrop 露头

over-exploitation 过量开

overland flow 坡面漫流

oxidation-reduction reaction 氧化还原反应

oxygen - 18 氧 - 18


paleoclimate 古气候

palaeokarst 古岩溶

parameter estimation 参数估计

parameter identification 参数识别

partial differential equation 偏微分方程

partially penetrating w ell 非完整井

particle tracking 粒子跟踪

path line 迹线

pellicular w ater 薄膜水

perched aquifer 上层滞水含水层

percolation 渗流

perennial stream 常年河

permeability tensor 渗透率张量

permafrost 永冻层

permeability 渗透率

permeable boundary 透水边界

permissible draw dow n 允许降深

pervious strata 透水层

phreatic aquifer 潜水含水层

phreatic surface 潜水面

piedmont 山前地带

piezometric head 测压水头

piezometric surface 测压水面

Piper diagram 派珀图

point source 点源

polar coordinate 极坐标

pollution of groundw ater 地下水污染

pollution source 污染源

polygon 多边形

polynomial 多项式

ponor 落水洞

porosity 孔隙度

positive definiteness 正定

postprocessor 后处理程序

potentiometric map 测压水位图

potentiometric surface 测压水面

precipitation 降水( 量)

prediction 预测

preferential flow path 优先流路径

preprocessor 前处理程序

pressure aquifer 承压含水层

pressure head 压力水头

primary porosity 原生孔隙

prior estimate 先验估计

probabilistic model 概率模型

probability density function 概率密度函数

profile 剖面

propagation 传播

protection zone 保护带

pump and treat system 抽出处理系统

pumping scheme 开方案

pumping test 抽水试验

pumping w ell 抽水井

pyrite 黄铁矿


qualitative analysis 定性分析

quantitative analysis 定量分析

quartz 石英


radioactive decay 放射性衰变

radioactive isotope 放射性同位素

radioisotope 放射性同位素

radius of influence 影响半径

rainfall 降雨

random process 随机过程

random variable 随机变量

random w alk method 随机行走法

Rayleigh distillation 瑞利分馏

Rayleigh effect 瑞利效应

reaction rate 反应速率

recession curve 衰减曲线

recharge w ell 补给井

recovery curve 恢复曲线

recovery test 恢复试验

regenerated w ater 再生水

regional groundwater flow 区域地下水流动

regression 回归

relaxation 松弛

remote sensing 遥感

renew able resource 可再生

replenishment 补充,补给

reservoir 水库

residence time 滞( 停) 留时间

residual draw dow n 残余降深

resistivity 电阻率

retaining w all 挡土墙

retardation factor 滞后因子

return flow 回归水流

Reynold's number 雷诺数

rift 裂谷

river bed 河床

rose diagram 玫瑰花图

rotation of coordinate 坐标旋转


safe yield 安全开量

saline soil 盐渍土

saline w edge 盐水楔

saline-w ater encroachment 咸水入侵

saline-w ater interface 咸水界面

salinity 含盐量,盐度

salt dome 盐丘

sandstone 砂岩

saturated flow 饱和水流

saturation index 饱和指数

scale effect 尺度效应

scatterplot 散点图

Schoeller diagram Schoeller 图

screen 滤水管,筛管

screen diameter 滤水管直径

sea w ater intrusion 海水入侵

seasonal effect 季节效应

seasonal variation 季节变化

secondary interstice / porosity 次生孔隙

sediment 沉积物

sedimentary rock 沉积岩

sedimentation 沉积作用

seepage beneath a dam 坝下渗流

seepage velocity 渗流速度

seismicity 地震强度

semiarid region 半干旱地区

semi-confining stratum 半承压层

semipervious layer 弱透水层

sensitivity analysis 敏感性分析,灵敏度分析

sew age disposal system 污水处理系统

shaft 竖井

shale 页岩

shallow dug w ell 浅井

shallow geothermal energy 浅层地温( 热) 能

sharp interface 突变界面

silicate 硅酸盐

sill 基台( 值)

simplex method 单纯形法

sink ( point) 汇( 点)

sinkhole 落水洞

sinter 泉华

sodium 钠

sodium bicarbonate w ater 重碳酸钠型水

sodium-adsorption ratio 钠吸附比

soil moisture 土壤湿度

soil moisture potential 水土势,土水势

solid solubility 固体溶解度

solid w aste 固体废物

solubility product 溶度积

soluble salt 可溶盐

solute 溶质

solution cern 溶蚀洞穴

solution channel 溶蚀通道

solvent 溶剂

sorption isotherm 等温吸附线

source ( point) 源( 点)

source of pollution 污染源

source of w ater 水源

source / sink term 源汇项

specific discharge 单位流量

specific draw dow n 单位降深

specific heat 比热

specific retention 持水度

specific storage 比弹性给水度

specific surface area 比表面

specific w ell discharge 井的单位涌水量

specific yield 给水度

spring 泉

spring discharge 泉流量

stable isotope 稳定同位素

stagnation zone 停滞区

stalactite 石钟乳

stalagmite 石笋

standard deviation 标准差

state variable 状态变量

stationarity 平稳

steady flow 稳定流

step-draw dow n test 阶梯( 分级) 降深试验

Stiff diagram Stiff 图

stone forest 石林

storage coefficient 储水系数

storativity 储水系数

stream function 流函数

stream runoff 河川径流

streamline 流线

stress period 应力期

subcrop 地下露头,隐伏露头

subduction 俯冲作用

submarine spring 海底泉

subsurface w ater 地下水

sulfate 硫酸盐,硫酸根

sulfur - 34 硫 - 34

superposition 叠加

supersaturation 过饱和

surface runoff 地表径流

surface tension 表面张力

surface w ater 地表水

sustainability 可持续性

sustained yield 持续开量


temperature effect 温度效应

tension 张力

tensor 张量

terminal lake 终端湖

terminology 术语

Theis equation 泰斯公式

thermal conductivity 热导率

thermal contamination 热污染

thermal reservoir 热储( 层)

thermal spring 温泉

Thiem equation 蒂姆公式

three-dimensional flow 三维流动

threshold pressure 临界压力

thrust fault 逆冲断层

tidal effect 潮汐效应

tidal efficiency 潮汐系数( 效率)

tide 潮汐

time lag 时间滞后

time step 时间步长

topography 地形( 学)

total dissolved solids 可溶性总固体,总溶解固体

total hardness 总硬度

tow er karst 塔状岩溶

trace element 痕量元素

trace metal 痕量金属

tracer 示踪剂

tracer test 示踪试验

transient flow 非稳定流

transition zone 过渡带

transmissivity 导水系数

transverse dispersion 横向弥散

trertine 钙华

trial and error procedure 试算法,逐次逼近法

trilinear diagram 三线图

tritium 氚

tritium unit 氚单位

truncation error 截断误差

tufa 钙华

turbulent flow 紊流

tw o-dimensional flow 二维流


uncertainty 不确定性

unconfined aquifer 潜水含水层

unconfined flow 非承压水流

underground river 地下河,暗河

underlying surface 下垫面

United States Environmental Protection

Agency 美国环境保护局

unsaturated flow 非饱和流

unsaturated zone 非饱和带

unsteady flow 非稳定流

upconing 升锥

uplift 隆升( 起)

upper confining bed 隔水顶板


vadose w ater 渗流水

vadose zone 渗流带

variance 方差

variogram 变异图

vertical cross section 垂向剖面

void ratio 孔( 空) 隙比

volcanic rock 火山岩


w ater balance / budget 水均衡

w ater capacity 容水率

w ater content 含水量

w ater divide 分水岭( 线)

w ater level 水位

w ater pollution 水污染

w ater quality model 水质模型

w ater resources 水

w ater sampling method ( 水) 样方法

w ater supply 供水

w ater table 潜水面

w ater table aquifer 潜水含水层

w ater-bearing zone 含水带

w ater-level fluctuation 水位波动

w ater-rock interaction 水 - 岩作用

w atershed 流域

w eathering 风化

w eighted function 权函数

w eir 堰

w ell function 井函数

w ell hydraulics 井水力学

w ell location 井位

w ell log 钻孔岩性记录

w ell loss 井损

w etland 湿地

w ettability 可湿性

w etting 湿润


zone of aeration 包气带

zone of saturation 饱水带


National Oilwell Varco is the leading provider for the worldwide oil and gas industry and has been dedicated to providing the highest quality oilfield products and services for more than 140 years. National Oilwell Varco is the single source for all of your rig equipment, integrated systems, downhole tools, and supply chain solutions. From a spare part to a comprehensive drilling system ?and from a generic valve to a fully integrated supply chain process, National Oilwell Varco delivers unlimited customer solutions. By constantly developing and acquiring new technologies and services to better serve future customer requirements, National Oilwell Varco will continue to be the premier source for diversified products and services worldwide.

National Oilwell Varco designs, manufactures and sells the major mechanical components for both land and offshore drilling rigs as well as complete land drilling and well servicing rigs. The major mechanical components include drawworks, mud pumps, power swivels, SCR systems, treling equipment and rotary tables. The Company also designs and manufactures a broad offering of downhole products, including drilling motors and specialized drilling tools for rent and sale. National Oilwell Varco also provides distribution services through its network of distribution service centers located in the United States, Canada and near major drilling and production activity worldwide.

By continuously increasing the breadth and depth of products and services offered, National Oilwell Varco has become the steward of more than 40 industry-leading brand names during the past 140 years. These strategic mergers and acquisitions he included some of the leading names in the upstream oil and gas industry, and allow National Oilwell Varco to offer a full line of high-quality products and solutions.

History of Acquisitions

1892 -

"Oil Well Engineering" acquires Continental Tube Works in Pittsburgh

1902 -

National Supply "(National)" acquires California Supply

1920 -

National acquires Union Tool

1928 -

National purchases 1/2 interest in Oil Well Engineering

1928 -

National acquires Superior Engine Company

1929 -

Oilwell acquires Wilson-Snyder Manufacturing Corp of Pittsburgh

1930 -

United States Steel acquires Oil Well. Oil Well becomes the Oilwell Division

1940 -

National acquires Central Tube Company

1944 -

Oilwell Division acquires Witte Engine Works

1945 -

Oilwell Division acquires Neilsen Pump Company

15 -

National Supply buys remaining shares of Oil Well Engineering

18 -

National acquires PAR Industries

18 -

National acquires Derrick Service Int'l

18 -

National acquires Compressor Pump and Engine

19 -

National acquires Baylor

19 -

National acquires small oilfield services company in Oklahoma City and calls it National Chemicals

1980 -

National purchases assets in Grenco Corporation

1981 -

National Supply (Armco) acquires Equipetrol, S.A.

1987 -

National Supply merges with USS Oilwell

1989 -

National Oilwell acquires Mission

19 -

National Oilwell acquired Ross Hill Controls

19 -

National Oilwell acquired PEP, Inc.

19 -

National Oilwell acquired Dreco Energy Services Ltd. (Canada)

1998 -

National Oilwell acquired Versatech International Ltd. (Canada)

1998 -

National Oilwell acquired Specialty Tools Ltd. (Scotland)

1998 -

National Oilwell acquired Phoenix Energy Products (Harrisburg, Wooley, M&W, CDI)

1998 -

National Oilwell acquired Roberds -Johnson Industries, Inc.

1998 -

National Oilwell acquired DOSCO (Canada)

1999 -

National Oilwell acquired Dupre’ Supply Company & Dupre’ International, Inc.

1999 -

National Oilwell acquired CE (Continental Emsco) Drilling Products & Wilson Mobile Rig

1999 -

National Oilwell acquired Skytop Brewster Company

2000 -

National Oilwell acquired Republic Supply Company

2000 -

National Oilwell acquired Hitec ASA (Norway)

2000 -

National Oilwell acquired IRI International Corporation

2000 -

National Oilwell acquired Wheatley Gaso Omega

2000 -

National Oilwell acquired Baylor Company

2000 -

National Oilwell acquired Hart Sales Company

2001 -

National Oilwell acquired Maritime Hydraulics (Canada) Ltd.

2001 -

National Oilwell acquired DEMIJ (Rotterdam)

2001 -

National Oilwell acquired Tech Power Controls Co.

2001 -

National Oilwell acquired Rye Supply Company, Inc.

2001 -

National Oilwell acquired Texas Oil Works Supply, Inc.

2001 -

National Oilwell acquired HSI-Houston Scientific International, Inc.

2001 -

National Oilwell acquired AMTEX Pump & Supply

2001 -

National Oilwell acquired Rigquip Division Assets (Noble Drilling U.K. Limited)

2002 -

National Oilwell acquired HAL Oilfield Pump & Equipment (HALCO)

2002 -

National Oilwell acquired Integrated Power Systems

2002 -

National Oilwell acquired STS Oilfield Specialty & Supply, L.L.C.

2002 -

National Oilwell acquired Hydralift ASA

2003 -

National Oilwell acquired LSI Specialty Electrical Products

2003 -

National Oilwell acquired MonoFlo, Inc. (US) & Mono Group (UK)

2003 -

National Oilwell acquired ?grey Mekaniske Verksted AS (Norway)

2005 -

National Oilwell merges with Varco becoming National Oilwell Varco


1862 -

John Eaton Company established to furnish oilfield equipment in Oil City, PA, and surrounding area.

1867 -

Original line of products made in own shop, including bits, cable tools, temper screws, bailers, bull wheels, derricks, etc.

1869 -

John Eaton and EH Cole joined to form Eaton and Cole to furnish oilfield equipment.

1884 -

Additional own-make products, including: complete line of cable-tool drilling, fishing, and clean-out tools.

1884 -

Additional own-make products, including: standard and portable rigs, including derricks, rig irons, steam engines.

1884 -

Additional own-make products, including: casing and tubing elevators and tongs.

1886 -


1892 -

Complete all-steel drilling rig, including 72 ft. derrick, crown and treling blocks, piston-valve twin- cylinder steam engines.

1901 -

Drawworks, swivels, bits.

1904 -

Portable all-steel drilling machines for cable-tool drilling .

1907 -

Rotary tables, portable all-steel drilling machines for rotary drilling.

1911 -

Steam driven slush pumps.

1912 -

"Mud Hog" and "Giant Mud Hog" series steam slush pumps.

1913 -

Union Tool Co. (later purchased by National Supply Co.) introduced its first rotary table.

1913 -

Union Tool Co. (later purchased by National Supply Co.) made offset steel roller chain with replaceable steel pins and bushings.

1916 -

Power slush pumps.

1918 -

Designed and patented "Imperial" Rotary Swivel.

1923 -

Make-and-break rotary tables.

1923 -

Hild differential electric drives for rotary drilling.

1926 -

Long stroke (18") Wilson-Snyder Steam Slush Pump.

1927 -

Fully-enclosed roller-bearing twin-cylinder steam engines.

1928 -

Spang, Chalfant pioneered "Magna Glo" inspection to uncover cracks in pipe.

1930 -

Emsco developed a line of duplex double acting slush (mud) pumps.

1930 -

National designed an improved band brake system for drawworks ("K" Brake) with increased leverage at optimum handle position.

1930 -

High pressure (350 psi working pressure) boilers.

1930 -

20" stroke steam slush pumps.

1930 -

Fully-enclosed oilbath rotaries.

1933 -

National started using "V" packing rings, coil spring, in wash pipe packing assemblies on rotary drilling swivels.

1933 -

Vertical twin-cylinder steam engines.

1934 -

Hydraulic feed controls for rotary drilling.

1934 -

Di-Hard slush pump liners.

1935 -

National introduced its "C" line of power duplex slush pumps, 1500 to 3000 PSI, with patented baffle chamber.

1935 -

National designed, developed, and made a new patented main bearing for rotary drilling swivels.

1935 -

Rotary drilling units (packaged unit providing independent drive to the rotary from a steam engine) .

1936 -

20" stroke power slush pumps.

1939 -

Rotary drilling unit with drive from internal combustion engine through hydraulic torque converter.

1940 -

National designed an improved 2-plate clutch for drawworks which was first installed on a 33-62-FE drawworks 1500 Hp steam driven.

1940 -

Triplex steam slush pumps.

1941 -

National furnished chain compounded sectional drive groups (as alternate to V-belt) to power drawworks, rotary, and mud pumps.

1945 -

Completely air controlled power rigs (drawworks and drives).

1946 -

National introduced "Gammaloy" drill collars, as a less expensive nonmagnetic stainless steel to replace K-Monel material.

1946 -

Portable derricks.

1947 -

National Hydraulic Coupling introduced as a fluid cushion connection between engines and drive group to absorb shock loads.

1947 -

National designed, developed, and made a new "Quick-Seal" hose connections for rotary swivel or standpipe goosenecks.

1949 -

National type "A" single stage Torque Converter, designed specifically for drilling rigs, introduced for drive group compounds.

1949 -

Drilling depth record of 20,521 ft set at Rock Springs, Wyoming by a rig using National drilling equipment.

1949 -

Automatically regulated hydraulic feed controls for rotary drilling.

1950 -

National designed an improved drum type clutch for drawworks (Dy-A-Flex) with increased reliability and simpler to service.

1951 -

Introduced overrunning clutch between drawworks drumshaft and auxiliary brake for mechanical rigs.

1951 -

National designed, developed, and made a new patented "Uniflex" wash pipe & packing box for rotary drilling swivels.

1952 -

Introduced "Micromatic" drilling controls for drawworks to automatically feed off pipe as the hole is drilled.

1953 -

Drilling depth record of 21,482 ft set in Paloma Field, California by a rig using National drilling equipment.

1953 -

Extreme high horsepower, high pressure power slush pump for jet bit drilling.

1955 -

Hook blocks.

1956 -

National oained patent on improved wash pipe for "Uniflex" wash pipe & packing box for rotary drilling swivels.

1956 -

National introduced 2 step "Spirallel" integral drawworks drum grooving as an improvement for spooling wire rope onto the drum.

1956 -

Drilling depth record of 22,570 ft set by a drilling barge south of New Orleans using National drilling equipment.

1958 -

Triplex plunger mud pump unit w/ 2-speed transmission and direct connected engine for high pressure & slim hole drilling.

1959 -

Lever lift drilling masts.

1959 -

Induction-hardened steel slush pump liners.

1959 -

Swivels with quick removable wash pipes.

1960 -

Introduced "Seal-Lock tubing, a premium threaded and coupled connection for deep wells.

1962 -

Introduced a subsea christmas tree on a producing well in the Gulf of Mexico.

1963 -

Continental Emsco introduced the Electrohoist II Drawworks.

1964 -

Furnished remotely installed well head in 600 ft water depth.

1967 -

Introduced A37-1/2 Rotary.

1968 -

Introduced a mechanical jacking system for offshore jack-up rigs featuring high efficiency lifting mechanism with opposed pinions.

1968 -

National's first triplex mud pumps, model 10-P-130, rated for 1300 HP, are first used on a land rig.

1969 -

Continental Emsco introduced the F1000 Triplex Mud Pump.

1969 -

Furnished an early subsea production system in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.

1969 -

Oilwell's first triplex mud pumps, model 1400-PT, rated for 1400 HP, are shipped.

10 -

Introduced new line of Oilwell "PC" (Positive Centering) Swivels ranging from 100 to 650 tons capacity.

12 -

Oilwell A1400-PT and A1700-PT single acting Triplex Slush (Mud) Pumps fitted with fluid ends for high volume lication.

13 -

Oilwell A49-1/2 Rotary for offshore drilling.

14 -

Introduced Oilwell 350-PT single acting triplex mud pumps designed for transport by air-lift.

17 -

Kremco completes its first in-house designed workover rig, model K600.

17 -

Dreco designs and constructs two covered bolted beam leg derricks.

18 -

Dreco's first originally designed drawworks, 400 HP, is designed and built by Glenn Knutson.

19 -

Dreco builds its first 2.5 million lb mast and substructure.

19 -

Dreco introduces a new patented beam leg mast with special hinged back bracing for improved transporting on land rig moves.

1980 -

"Slingshot" substructure allowing installation of major components & raising of mast at ground level, before elevating substructure.

1981 -

Dreco develops proprietary designs for various drilling equipment, including rotary tables, treling blocks, and triplex mud pumps.

1981 -

Dreco introduces its "Superior" Drawworks models 700UE, 700M, and 1000UE at the OTC in Houston.

1981 -

Dreco introduced the first 4,000 HP Drawworks on a land rig.

1981 -

Dreco introduced the first Treling Block rated for 1,250 tons.

1982 -

Dreco introduced the first 156 ft "Slingshot" Mast and substructure rated for 2,500,000 lb, with 40 ft high drill floor, for a land rig.

1983 -

Dreco designs the "Sandmaster", a self-propelled workover/drilling rig for desert operations.

1983 -

Griffith introduces a hydraulic/mechanical drilling jar to the Canadian oilpatch.


Griffith designs and builds the "Torquemaster", a tool break-out machine which becomes a major product line for Griffith.

1985 -

GH introduced a new patented disc brake system designed for drawworks (design purchased by National in Jan 1987).

1986 -

Griffith designs and tests its first proprietary downhole steerable drilling motor, tradenamed "Trudril".

1986 -

Dreco develops a cantilevered arctic rig design featuring a sliding drill floor to permit the drilling of more wells from a smaller pad.

1986 -

Dreco introduced a new BOP handling system powered by hydraulic cylinder operated wireline hoists.

1987 -

Dreco introduces the "Kremcovets" prototype service rig at tradeshow in Moscow, which is a Kremco rig on a Soviet Kirovets tractor.

1988 -

Dreco introduced a new patented cing beam "Gripper" system for horizontal jacking of rig substructures on offshore platforms.

1990 -

Continental Emsco shipped model FC-2200 Triplex Mud Pumps.

1990 -

National-Oilwell shipped model 14-P-200 Triplex Mud Pumps (later uprated to 2200 HP).

1990 -

National-Oilwell installed a PS-500 Top Drive, with patented rotating side skid, allowing it to swing out of tripping path in minutes.

1992 -

Dreco introduced a new "Lift and Roll" skidding system for horizontal moving of rig substructures on offshore platforms.

1992 -

Drawworks electric remote controls combined with PLC kinetic energy monitor system to prevent treling block overspeed.

1993 -

Dreco designs and constructs its first coiled tubing rigs.

1995 -

Dreco introduces its new injector head for coil tubing rigs at the OTC in Houston.

1995 -

Dreco, in partnership with Hitec, designed and made first variable frequency AC driven drawworks (no main drum or aux. braking).

19 -

Continental Emsco shipped 5,000 HP Electrohoist Drawworks for offshore rig.

19 -

Dreco introduced a new "slip" type rotary deadline anchor that allows drill line to be "cut & slipped" without removal from anchor.

19 -

National-Oilwell introduced a high pressure hydrodynamic wash pipe packing assy., using a Kalsi seal, w/ 4" bore for Drilling Swivels.

1998 -

Continental Emsco introduced the first 60-1/2" rotary, model T-6050, for offshore rigs to handle large diameter riser pipe.

1999 -

National-Oilwell shipped two Dreco designed semi-automated trailerized doubles land drilling rigs, with Hitec Cyberbase controls.

1999 -

National Oilwell, in partnership with Hitec, designed and made first AC driven "Active Hee Compensating Drawworks" for floating Drilling Rigs.

1999 -

SAP was implemented in distribution groups to facilitate inventory control, financial planning, logistics, purchasing, and e-commerce worldwide.

2000 -

Pete Miller named COO for National Oilwell.

2000 -

National Oilwell implemented Customer Connect, an online lication to provide customers with detailed analysis of their spend.

2001 -

National Oilwell receives order for two Santa Fe jack-up rigs.

2001 -

Pete Miller named CEO.

2001 -

BroadVision-based online web catalog implemented to allow ordering via the internet.

2002 -

National Oilwell produced the PowerStroke Dual Hydraulic Drilling Jar.

2002 -

National Oilwell introduced the Multi-Opening Circulating Sub, eliminated the requirement to pull out of hole and remove drop-ball.

2002 -

National Oilwell introduced the Mini-Tong to improve safety during makeup and breakout connections on small tools and pipes.




  前言: 《福布斯》杂志将爱荷华州评为年轻专业人士的最佳城市,并荣登该杂志《商业与职业最佳地区》的榜首。


 ? Total population is 3 million (2011) – less than 1% of total US population

 ? Located in the mid-west part of the US; borders with Minnesota to the north, Wisconsin and Illinois to the east, Missouri to the south and Nebraska and South Dakota to the west

 ? Capital and largest city is Des Moines

 ? Climate is humid continental – hot summers and harsh winters

 ? Famous Iowans include actors John Wayne and Elijah Wood, non-fiction author Bill Bryson, and women’s rights pioneer Carrie Chapman Catt

 ? Eldon, Iowa, is the site of Dibble House – the inspiration for Grant Wood’s iconic 1930 painting ‘American Gothic’

 ? Films set in Iowa include Cedar Rapids (2011), Field of Dreams (1989), Sleeping with the Enemy (1991) and Zadar! Cow From Hell (1989)

 ? In 2011, Iowan students who took the SAT had the third-highest erage score in the US, behind only Illinois and Minnesota









 In the heart of the US Midwest region and the so-called ‘Corn Belt’, Iowa has long been known for its agricultural strength.gaining the nickname ‘food capital of the world.But, while cereal crops are still big business, in recent years this fertile state has successfully diversified its economy, establishing itself as one of the US’s top destinations for young professionals.In 2012, Iowan capital Des Moines ranked second (after Washington, D.C.) in Forbes magazine’s list of the best US cities for jobs. In 2011 Forbes named it the best city for young professionals, and in 2010 it topped the magazine’s list of the best US regions for business and careers.This success is largely based on Iowa’s strengths in the agriculture, biotech and financial industries, with major employers including Principal Life Insurance Company, Wells Fargo Bank, Pioneer Hi-Bred, and of course John Deere (tractors remain the state’s most profitable commodity export).As well as hing a higher concentration of large companies than any other city assessed in the Forbes studies, Des Moines also has high numbers of start-ups and expanding businesses.Unsurprisingly, the city is a popular destination for recent graduates. Opportunities for career progression are good, and while salaries are by no means the highest in the US, living costs are relatively low – making for a highly attractive overall package.Iowa is also at the forefront when it comes to US politics. The Iowa caucus is the first major electoral event in the long, state-by-state process of selecting US presidential candidates for both the Republican and Democratic parties – making it a particularly exciting place to be during electoral campaigns.

 Iowa is part of the ‘Midwest’ region of the US. This term is not always used in the same way, and can be confusing as many of the states included are much further east than you might expect!However, in the categorization used by the US Census Bureau, the Midwest refers to a group of 12 states in the north of the US. Iowa is right in the centre of these, with the other 11 Midwestern states being Minnesota, Illinois, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin.It’s usual to hear Iowa’s geography described as flatland, but you’ll also find gentle hills and valleys, prairies and sannahs, wooded areas, lakes and rivers – most notably the Missouri River, along the western border, and the Mississippi River, which runs the full length of the eastern side of the state.After Des Moines, notable cities include Iowa City, Sioux City, Fort Dodge, Denport, Dubuque and Cedar Rapids.

 在美国中西部地区和所谓的“玉米带”的中心地带,爱荷华州长期以来因其农业优势而闻名。获得“世界粮食之都”的称号。但是,尽管谷类作物仍然是一项大生意,但近年来,这个肥沃的州已经成功地使其经济多样化,成为美国年轻专业人士的首选目的地之一。2012年,在《福布斯》杂志的 美国最佳就业城市排行榜 上,艾奥瓦首都得梅因 排在第二位 (仅次于华盛顿特区)。2011年,《福布斯》杂志将它评为 年轻专业人士的最佳城市 ,并在2010年荣登该杂志 《商业与职业最佳地区》的榜首 。这一成功很大程度上是基于爱荷华在农业、生物技术和金融行业的优势,主要雇主包括主要的人寿保险公司、富国银行、先锋养殖公司,当然还有约翰迪尔(拖拉机仍然是该州最赚钱的商品出口)。除了在福布斯研究中评估的其他城市中,大型公司的集中度更高,得梅因也拥有大量的初创企业和扩张的业务。毫无疑问,这座城市是应届毕业生的热门目的地。职业发展的机会是好的,尽管薪水在美国不是最高的,但生活成本相对较低——这是一个非常有吸引力的整体方案。



 Iowa’s highest ranked university is the University of Iowa (pictured), in Iowa City, which makes the top 200 of the 2011/12 QS World University Rankings.The university offers a wide range of undergraduate, graduate and professional (more vocational) degrees, and has a fairly diverse student community.An estimated 55% of students come from within Iowa, 25% from adjoining states, 9% from other US states, and about 10% are international students, from 100 different countries.Iowa City is known as a hub of arts and culture, and this is very much a part of student life at the University of Iowa – with regular events including jazz and pop concerts, and visiting talks from artists, writers and scientists.Meanwhile the university’s graduate-level creative writing program – known as the Iowa Writers’ Workshop – has a well-founded reputation for producing successful authors. To date, alumni of the course he collected 17 Pulitzer Prizes, and numerous other awards.However, creative writing is by no means the university’s only strength. It is also well known for research in fields including agricultural medicine, biomedical sciences, pharmacology, genetics, hydraulics, space research and speech and hearing.

 Iowa State University (ISU), located in Ames, to the north of Des Moines, also performs strongly in the rankings – earing in the top 300 of the 2011/12 QS World University Rankings.Like the University of Iowa, ISU has strengths in a wide range of academic fields, and an internationally diverse student community. Meanwhile Ames offers the attractions of small-town life, without the risk of boredom. It has its own share of cultural venues, sporting events and outdoor activities – and if you do want to explore a larger city, Des Moines is only a 30-minute journey away.Iowa’s third public university is the University of Northern Iowa (UNI), in Cedar Falls, which is also well respected both in Iowa and beyond.A much higher percentage of UNI’s students come from within Iowa, compared to the other two state colleges, but nonetheless the university has a strong focus on internationalization. It has a dedicated Center for Multicultural Education, and runs a popular study-abroad program, hing established partnerships with universities around the world.In addition to these three state universities, Iowa has many private colleges, and there are also community colleges across the state. The latter offer shorter courses, including two-year associate’s degrees, which can then be followed by a further two years to complete a full.

 爱荷华州排名最高的大学是 爱荷华大学 ,该大学在2011 -12 QS世界大学排名中进入了前200名。该大学提供了广泛的本科、研究生和专业(更职业化)学位,并拥有相当多元化的学生群体。据估计,55%的学生来自爱荷华州,25%来自毗邻州,9%来自美国其他州,约10%来自100个不同国家的国际学生。爱荷华市被认为是艺术和文化的中心,这是爱荷华大学学生生活的一个重要组成部分,包括爵士乐和流行音乐会,以及来自艺术家、作家和科学家的访问演讲。与此同时,该大学的研究生水平的创意写作项目——爱荷华作家工作室——在培养成功的作家方面有着良好的声誉。到目前为止,这门课程的校友已经获得了17个普利策奖和无数其他奖项。然而,创造性写作并不是大学唯一的强项。它在农业医学、生物医学科学、药理学、遗传学、水力学、空间研究、语音和听觉等领域的研究也很有名。

爱荷华州立大学 ,位于艾姆斯,位于得梅因北部,在排名中也表现强劲——在2011 /12 QS世界大学排名的前300名中出现。与爱荷华大学一样,爱荷华州立大学在广泛的学术领域拥有优势,在国际上拥有多元化的学生群体。与此同时,艾姆斯也提供了小镇生活的吸引力,没有厌倦的风险。它有自己的文化场所、体育赛事和户外活动——如果你想要探索一个更大的城市,得梅因离这里只有30分钟的路程。

 爱荷华州第三所公立大学是位于 雪松瀑布校区的爱荷华大学 ,在爱荷华州和其他地方都很受尊敬。与其他两所州立大学相比,来自爱荷华州的学生的比例要高得多,但这所大学对国际化有着强烈的关注。它有一个专门的多元文化教育中心,并开设了一个很受欢迎的海外留学项目,与世界各地的大学建立了合作关系。除了这三所州立大学,爱荷华州还有许多私立大学,而且该州也有社区学院。后者提供了较短的课程,包括两年的副学士学位,然后再加上两年的时间来完成全部课程。


安全开量 safe yield


坝下渗流 seepage beneath a dam

白云石( 岩) 化 dolomitization

白云岩 dolomite

半承压层 semi-confining stratum

半干旱地区 semiarid region

半衰期 half-life

包气带 zone of aeration

饱和水流 saturated flow

饱和指数 saturation index

饱水带 zone of saturation

保护带 protection zone

贝叶斯理论 Bayes theorem

背景浓度 background concentration

比表面 specific surface area

比弹性给水度 specific storage

比热 specific heat

闭合( 不闭合) 流域 enclosed ( non-enclosed) basin

闭系统 closed system

边界条件 boundary condition

边缘( 际) 分布 marginal distribution

变差系数 coefficient of variation

变密度流 density-dependent flow

变异图 variogram

变质岩 metamorphic rock

辫状河 braided river/stream

标准差 standard deviation

表面张力 surface tension

滨海含水层 coastal aquifer

冰川堆积,冰碛物 glacial deposit

冰川融水 glacial meltwater

冰心 ice core

薄膜水 pellicular water

补充,补给 replenishment

补给地下水的河流 influent river

补给井 recharge well

捕获区 capture zone

不规则网格 irregular mesh

不混溶流 immiscible flow

不可逆过程 irreversible process

不可再生 nonrenewable resource

不确定性 uncertainty

不透水层 aquifuge,impervious formation

不透水断层 impervious fault


( 水) 样方法 water sampling method

参数估计 parameter estimation

参数识别 parameter identification

残余降深 residual drawdown

测量误差 measurement error

测压水面 piezometric surface, potentiometric surface

测压水头 piezometric head

测压水位图 potentiometric map

层流 laminar flow

常年河 perennial stream

潮汐 tide

潮汐系数( 效率) tidal efficiency

潮汐效应 tidal effect

沉积物 sediment

沉积序列 depositional sequence

沉积岩 sedimentary rock

沉积作用 sedimentation

承压含水层 confined aquifer,pressure aquifer

持水度 specific retention

持续开量 sustained yield

尺度效应 scale effect

冲积层( 物) alluvium

冲积谷地 alluvial valley

冲积裙 alluvial apron

冲积扇 alluvial fan

抽出处理系统 pump and treat system

抽水井 pumping well

抽水试验 pumping test

抽 - 注水系统 injection-withdrawal system

初生水 juvenile water

初始条件 initial condition

储水系数 storage coefficient,storativity

氚 tritium

氚单位 tritium unit

穿透曲线 breakthrough curve

传播 propagation

垂向剖面 vertical cross section

次生孔隙 secondary interstice/porosity


达西定律 Darcy's law

达西流速 Darcian velocity

大陆漂移 continental drift

大陆效应 continental effect

大气降水线 meteoric water line

大气降水与原生水 meteoric and original formation water

大气水起源 meteoric origin

大气压力 atmospheric pressure, barometric pressure

带宽 bandwidth

单纯形法 simplex method

单位降深 specific drawdown

单位流量 specific discharge

氮 nitrogen

当量 equilibrium weight,equivalent

挡土墙 retaining wall

氘 deuterium

氘盈余( 过剩) deuterium excess

导水系数 transmissivity

等势 线/面,等 水 头 线/面 equipotential line / surface

等温条件 isothermal condition

等温吸附 absorption isotherm

等温吸附线 sorption isotherm

等值线图 contour map

狄里克莱边界条件 Dirichlet condition

地表径流 surface runoff

地表水 surface water

地面沉降 land subsidence

地球物理方法 geophysical method

地热井 geothermal well

地热能 geothermal energy

地热田 geothermal field

地热温标 geothermometer

地热学 geothermics

地温 ground temperature

地温( 热) 异常 geothermal anomaly

地温梯度 geothermal gradient

地下河,暗河 underground river

地下露头,隐伏露头 subcrop

地下热水 geothermal water

地下水 groundwater,subsurface water

地下水补给的河流 effluent river

地下水定年 age dating of groundwater

地下水分水岭( 线) groundwater divide

地下水管理 groundwater management

地下水监测 groundwater monitoring

地下水开动态 groundwater regime under exploitation

地下水盆地 groundwater basin

地下水水量 groundwater quantity

地下水水质 groundwater quality

地下水污染 pollution of groundwater

地下水系统管理 management of a ground- w ater system

地下水组分 groundwater composition

地形( 学) topography

地震 earthquake

地震强度 seismicity

地质统计模型 geostatistical model

地质图 geologic map

蒂姆公式 Thiem equation

点源 point source

电测深 electrical sounding

电导 electrical conductance

电导率 electrical conductivity

电离常数 ionization constant

电阻率 resistivity

调和平均 harmonic mean

迭代 iteration

叠加 superposition

定量分析 quantitative analysis

定水头边界 constant head boundary

定性分析 qualitative analysis

动态平衡 dynamic equilibrium

堵塞 clogging

断层泉 fault spring

断裂,断层 fault

对流 convection

对流 -扩散方程 advection-diffusion equation

对 流 - 弥 散 方 程 advection-dispersion equation

对偶问题 dual problem

对数正态分布 lognormal distribution

多边形 polygon

多含水层系统 multi-aquifer system

多井系统 multiple well systems

多目标决策 multiple objective decision

多目标优化技术 multi-objective optimization technology

多相流动 multiphase flow

多项式 polynomial

惰性气体 noble gas


二维流动 two-dimensional flow

二氧化碳 carbon dioxide


反应速率 reaction rate

方差 variance

方解石 calcite

放射性衰变 radioactive decay

放射性同位素 radioisotope,radioactive isotope

非饱和带 unsaturated zone

非饱和流 unsaturated flow

非承压水流 unconfined flow

非降解污染物 conservative pollutant

非均质 heterogeneity

非水相液体 nonaqueous phase liquid

非完整井 partially penetrating well

非稳定流 nonsteady flow,transient flow, unsteady flow

非线性方程 nonlinear equation

废井 abandoned well

沸泉 boiling spring

费克定律 Fick's law

分布 参 数 模 型 model with distributed parameter

分布式( 面) 汇/源 distributed sink/source

分布式( 面) 污 染 源 distributed pollutant source

分界面 interface

分馏 fractionation

分水岭( 线) water divide

分子 molecule

丰度 abundance

风化 weathering

幅度 amplitude

俯冲作用 subduction

腐蚀 corrosion

腐殖酸 humic acid

傅里叶变换 Fourier transform


钙 calcium

钙华 trertine

钙华 tufa

概率密度函数 probability density function

概率模型 probabilistic model

概念模型 conceptual model

干旱地区 arid region

干热岩 hot dry rock

高程效应 altitude effect,elevation effect

戈壁 gobis

格点,网格 grid

隔水边界 no-flow boundary

隔水层 aquiclude,confining layer

隔水底板 lower confining bed

隔水顶板 upper confining bed

各态历经,遍历性 ergodicity

各向同性 isotropy

各向异性 anisotropy

给定水头边界 boundary of specified head

给水度 specific yield

供水 water supply

估计误差 error of estimate

古气候 paleoclimate

古岩溶 palaeokarst

固结 consolidation

固体潮 earth tide

固体废物 solid waste

固体溶解度 solid solubility

观测井 observation well

观测井布置 observation well placement

管理问题 management problem

灌浆帷幕 grout curtain

硅酸盐 silicate

国际原子能机构 International Atomic En- ergy Agency

过饱和 supersaturation

过渡带 intermediate zone,transition zone

过量开 over-exploitation


海底泉 submarine spring

海水入侵 sea water intrusion

含水层 aquifer

含水层参数识别 identification of aquifer parameter

含水层系统 aquifer system

含水带 water-bearing zone

含水量 water content

含水率( 量) moisture content

含盐量,盐度 salinity

焓 enthalpy

寒武 - 奥陶系含水层 Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer

好氧生物降解 aerobic biodegradation

河川径流 stream runoff

河床 river bed

河流堆积,冲积物 fluvial deposit

( 河流) 源头 headwater

核废物处置库 nuclear waste repository

痕量金属 trace metal

痕量元素 trace element

恒温带 constant temperature zone

横向弥散 transverse dispersion

宏观大尺度研究 macroscopic and larger scale study

宏观弥散 macrodispersion

宏观水平( 尺度) macroscopic level

宏观值 macroscopic value

后处理程序 postprocessor

湖积物 lacustrine deposit

花岗岩 granite

滑坡 landslide

化石水 fossil water

环境同位素 environmental isotope

黄铁矿 pyrite

黄土 loess

灰色系统 grey system

灰岩 limestone

恢复曲线 recovery curve

恢复试验 recovery test

回归 regression

回归水流 return flow

回填土 backfill soil

汇( 点) sink ( point)

混凝土坝 concrete dam

活动( 不活动) 结点 active ( inactive) node

活度 activity

活度系数 activity coefficient

火成岩 igneous rock

火山岩 volcanic rock


迹线 path line

基本流动方程 fundamental equation for flow

基流 base flow

基台( 值) sill

基岩 bedrock

基准 benchmark

基准面 datum level

吉本 - 赫兹伯格公式 Ghyben-Herzberg relation

极坐标 polar coordinate

集中参数模型 lumped parameter model

几何平均 geometric mean

季风 monsoon

季节变化 seasonal variation

季节效应 seasonal effect

迦辽金法 Galerkin method

间歇喷泉 geyser

间歇性河流 intermittent stream

碱度 alkalinity

降落漏斗 cone of depression,drawdown cone

降深曲线 drawdown curve

降水( 量) precipitation

降雨 rainfall

阶梯( 分级) 降深试验 step-drawdown test

接触泉 contact spring

接受概率 acceptance probability

节理 joint

结晶岩 crystalline rock

截断误差 truncation error

解析法 analytical method/roach

解析解 analytical solution

解译,解释 interpretation

界面张力 interfacial tension

井的单位涌水量 specific well discharge

井的涌水量 discharge of well

井函数 well function

井水力学 well hydraulics

井损 well loss

井位 well location

静水压力 hydrostatic pressure

局域( 部) 流动系统 local flow system

决策变量 decision variable

均质 homogeneity


开方案 pumping scheme

开井 extraction well

柯西( 混合) 边界条件 Cauchy boundary condition

可持续性 sustainability

可 溶 性 总 固 体, 总 溶 解 固 体 total dissolved solids

可溶盐 soluble salt

可湿性 wettability

可行解 feasible solution

可再生 renewable resource

克里格法 Kriging method

孔( 空) 隙比 void ratio

孔隙度 porosity

控制方程 governing equation

块金效应 nugget effect

矿泉 mineral spring

亏水河,补给潜水河 losing stream

扩散 diffusion


垃圾填埋场 landfill

拉格朗日法 Lagrangian roach

拉普拉斯方程 Laplace equation

雷诺数 Reynold's number

累积频率函数 cumulative frequency function

离子 ion

离子活度积 ion activity product

离子交换作用 ion exchange

离子强度 ionic strength

历时曲线 duration curve

历史匹配 history matching

粒子跟踪 particle tracking

连续性方程 continuity equation

裂谷 rift

裂隙 fissure,fracture

裂隙泉 fracture spring

临界深度 critical depth

临界压力 threshold pressure

零通量边界 no-flux boundary

流场绘制 hydraulic head field ming

流动方程 flow equation

流函数 stream function

流量边界 flux boundary

流量计 current meter,flowmeter

流失河,失水河 lost river

流网 flow net

流线 flow line,streamline

流域 watershed

硫 -34 sulfur -34

硫酸盐,硫酸根 sulfate

隆升( 起) uplift

露点 dew point

露头 exposure,outcrop

卤水 brine

滤水管,筛管 screen

滤水管直径 screen diameter

铝硅酸盐 aluminum silicate

氯 -36 chlorine -36

氯化物,氯离子 chloride

轮廓 lineament

落水洞 sinkhole,ponor


盲谷 blind valley

毛细水 capillary water

毛细水带 capillary zone/fringe

毛细现象 capillarity

玫瑰花图 rose diagram

美 国 环 境 保 护 局 United States Environmental Protection Agency

镁 magnesium

法 Monte-Carlo method

蒙脱石 - 伊利石转化 montmorillonite-illite transformation

弥散 dispersion

弥散系数 dispersion coefficient

敏感 性 分 析,灵 敏 度 分 析 sensitivity analysis

模型参数 model parameter

模型识别 model identification

目标函数 objective function


内插法 interpolation

内流( 陆) 盆地 endorheic basin

内流区 blind drainage area

内摩擦角 angle of internal friction

钠 sodium

钠吸附比 sodium-adsorption ratio

泥石流 debris flow

拟合 fit

拟合,匹配 match

逆冲断层 thrust fault

逆问题 inverse problem

黏结性土壤 cohesive soil

粘土 clay

粘性土 clay soil

纽曼( 流量) 边界 Neuman condition

浓度梯度 concentration gradient

浓缩 condensation


欧拉法 Eularian roach


排水 drainage

排水,疏干 dewater

排泄 discharge

排泄区 discharge area

派珀图 Piper diagram

配线法 curve-matching procedure

偏态系数 coefficient of skewness

偏微分方程 partial differential equation

平衡常数 equilibrium constant

平均滞留时间 mean residence time

平稳 stationarity

坡面漫流 overland flow

剖分,离散 discretization

剖面 profile

普通克里格 ordinary Kriging


期望值 expected value

气压 air pressure

气压效应 effect of barometric pressure

前处理程序 preprocessor

潜水补给河,盈水河 gaining stream

潜水含水层 phreatic aquifer,water table aquifer,unconfined aquifer

潜水面 phreatic surface,water table

浅 层 地 温 ( 热) 能 shallow geothermal energy

浅井 shallow dug well

侵蚀 erosion

氢 hydrogen

裘布依设 Dupuit assumption/hypothesis

区域 地 下 水 流 动 regional groundwater flow

去丛 declustering

权函数 weighted function

泉 spring

泉华 sinter

泉流量 spring discharge

全球 性 海 平 面 变 化 eustatic sea-level change

确定性模型 deterministic model


热泵 heat pump

热储( 层) geothermal reservoir

热导率 heat conductivity,thermal conductivity

热交换 heat exchange

热力学第一定律 first law of thermodynamics

热流 heat flow

热容 heat capacity

热污染 thermal contamination

人工补给 artificial recharge

容水率 water capacity

容许公差 error tolerance

溶度积 solubility product

溶剂 solvent

溶解氧 dissolved oxygen

溶解与沉淀 dissolution and precipitation

溶蚀洞穴 solution cern

溶蚀通道 solution channel

溶质 solute

溶质运移方程 mass transport equation

入渗 infiltration

瑞利分馏 Rayleigh distillation

瑞利效应 Rayleigh effect

弱透水层 aquitard,semipervious layer


三维流 three-dimensional flow

三线图 trilinear diagram

散点图 scatterplot

沙丘 dune

砂岩 sandstone

山前地带 piedmont

山区 mountainous terrain

熵 entropy

上层滞水含水层 perched aquifer

深层沉积水 deep sedimentary water

渗流 percolation

渗流带 vadose zone

渗流水 vadose water

渗流速度 seepage velocity

渗透率 permeability

渗透率张量 permeability tensor

渗透系数 coefficient of permeability

升锥 upconing

生 物 降 解 biodegradation, biological degradation

生物修复 bioremediation

湿地 wetland

湿度 humidity

湿润 wetting

石膏 gypsum

石林 stone forest

石笋 stalagmite

石英 quartz

石钟乳 stalactite

时间步长 time step

时间滞后 time lag

实例研究 case study

示踪剂 tracer

示踪试验 tracer test

试算法,逐次逼近法 trial and error procedure

收敛标准 closure criterion

术语 terminology

竖井 shaft

数据融合 data assimilation

数学模型 mathematical model

数值法 numerical method

数值解 numerical solution

数值弥散 numerical dispersion

数值模拟 numerical simulation

数字高程模型 digital elevation model

衰减方程 decay equation

衰减常数 decay constant

衰减曲线 recession curve

水动力弥散 hydraulic dispersion

水动力学 hydrodynamics

水化学 aqueous chemistry

水均衡 water balance/budget

水库 reservoir

水力传导系数 hydraulic conductivity

水 力 联 系 hydraulic contact,hydraulic connection

水力梯度 hydraulic gradient

水头 hydraulic head

水头损失 head loss

水土势,土水势 soil moisture potential

水位 water level

水位波动 water-level fluctuation

水文地层单元 hydrostratigraphic unit

水文过程线 hydrograph

水文图 hydrologic map

水文循环 hydrologic cycle

水污染 water pollution

水 - 岩作用 water-rock interaction

x水源 source of water

水质模型 water quality model

水 water resources

水开发与管理 exploitation and man- agement of w ater resources

死端孔隙 dead-end pore

死碳 dead carbon

松弛 relaxation

酸 acid

酸度 acidity

酸性矿坑排水 acid mine drainage

酸雨 acid rain

算术平均 arithmetic mean

随机变量 random variable

随机过程 random process

随机行走法 random walk method

碎屑沉积岩含水层 clastic sedimentary rock aquifer

碎屑岩 clastic rock


塌陷 collapse

塔状岩溶 tower karst

泰斯公式 Theis equation

探地雷达 ground penetrating radar

碳 -14 carbon -14

碳 -14 测年 carbon -14 dating

碳固定 carbon fixation

碳酸钙 calcium carbonate

碳酸盐岩 carbonate rock

碳循环 carbon cycle

套管 casing

体积密度 bulk density

田间持水量 field capacity

条件( 非条件) 模拟 conditional ( uncondi- tional) simulation

条件分布 conditional distribution

条形图 bar chart

停滞区 stagnation zone

通用水头边界 general head boundary

同生水 connate water

同位素 isotope

同位素分馏因子 isotope separation factor

同位素交换 isotope exchange

透镜体 lens

透水边界 permeable boundary

透水层 pervious strata

突变界面 sharp interface

土壤固结 consolidation of soil

土壤湿度 soil moisture

脱水 anhydration


洼地,坳陷 depression

完整井 fully penetrating well

网格 mesh

微观 ( 小) 尺 度 研 究 microscopic scale study

微观水平( 尺度) microscopic level

微咸水 brackish water

纬度效应 latitude effect

位置水头 elevation head

温度效应 temperature effect

温泉 thermal spring

温泉,热泉 hot spring

温室效应 greenhouse effect

紊流 turbulent flow

稳定流 steady flow

稳定同位素 stable isotope

污染 物 运 移 模 拟 contaminant transport modeling

污染羽 contaminant plume

污 染 源 contamination source,pollution source,source of pollution

污水处理系统 sewage disposal system

无量纲变量 dimensionless variable


吸附力 adhesive force

吸收,吸附 adsorption

下垫面 underlying surface

下降泉,洼地泉 depression spring

下渗能力 infiltration capability

先验估计 prior estimate

咸淡水界面 fresh water-salt water interface

咸水界面 saline-water interface

咸水入侵 saline-water encroachment

显式法 explicit method

线汇/源 line sink/source

线性插值 linear interpolation

线性规划 linear programming

线性回归 linear regression

相关长度 correlation length

消耗 depletion

硝酸盐 nitrate

校正模型 calibrated model

校准,校正 calibration

协方差 covariance

虚拟井( 映像井) image well

蓄热 heat storage


压力水头 pressure head

压缩系数 coefficient of compressibility

压缩性 compressibility

岩浆水 magmatic water

岩溶 karst

岩溶含水层 karst aquifer

岩溶化 karstification

岩溶塌陷 karst collapse

盐丘 salt dome

盐水楔 saline wedge

盐渍土 saline soil

厌氧生物降解 anaerobic biodegradation

堰 weir

阳离子交换 cation exchange

氧 -18 oxygen -18

氧化还原反应 oxidation-reduction reaction

遥感 remote sensing

页岩 shale

一阶不可逆反应 first order irreversible reaction

一维固结 one-dimensional consolidation

一维流 one-dimensional flow

阴阳离子平衡 cation-anion balance

饮用水标准 drinking water standard

隐伏岩溶 buried karst

隐式法 implicit method

应力期 stress period

影响半径 influence radius,radius of influ- ence

映( 镜) 像法,反映法 method of image

硬度 hardness

硬石膏 anhydrite

永冻层 permafrost

优先流路径 preferential flow path

有机物 organic compound

有限差分法 finite difference method

有限单元法 finite element method

有限 limited resource

有效孔隙度 effective porosity

有效应力 effective stress

诱发( 导) 补给,激发补给 induced recharge

预报问题 forecasting problem

预测 prediction

原生孔隙 primary porosity

原位 in situ

源( 点) source ( point)

源汇项 source/sink term

约束( 条件) constraint

越流 leakage

越流层 leakage formation

越流承压含水层 leakage confined aquifer

越流潜水含水层 leakage phreatic aquifer

越流系数 coefficient of leakage,leakance

越流因子 leakage factor

允许降深 permissible drawdown


再生水 regenerated water

张力 tension

张量 tensor

蒸发 evaporation

蒸发岩( 盐) evaporite

蒸发蒸腾 evapotranspiration

正定 positive definiteness

正演问题 forward problem

质量守恒定律 law of conservation of mass

质谱仪 mass spectrometer

滞( 停) 留时间 residence time

滞后 lag

滞后现象 hysteresis

滞后因子 retardation factor

置信区间 confidence interval

置信限 confidence limit

中位数 median

重力坝 grity dam

重力排水 grity drainage

重力水 gritational water

重碳酸根 bicarbonate

重碳酸钠型水 sodium bicarbonate water

昼夜变化 diurnal change

注水井 injection well

柱实验 column experiment

柱状图 histogram

状态变量 state variable

自流含水层 artesian aquifer

自流井 artesian well

自然边界条件 natural boundary condition

自然衰减 natural-attenuation

自相关函数 autocorrelation function

自由面 free-surface

终端湖 terminal lake

总硬度 total hardness

纵向弥散 longitudinal dispersion

钻孔 boring

钻孔地球化学探头 borehole geochemical probe

钻孔地球物理 borehole geophysics

钻孔岩性记录 well log

最大连续性方向 direction of maximum continuity

最 大 容 许 浓 度 maximum permissible concentration

最小值 minimum

最优化问题 optimization problem

最优解 optimal solution

最优开量 optimal yield

最优线性无偏估计 best linear unbiased estimate

坐标系 coordinate system

坐标旋转 rotation of coordinate

Br / Cl 比 bromide / chloride ratio

Ca / Mg 比 Ca / Mg ratio

Schoeller 图 Schoeller diagram

Stiff 图 Stiff diagram